QUESTIONS -English	QUESTIONS -Bahasa Indonesia	PROMPT / OPTIONS -Englsih	PROMPT / OPTIONS -Bahasa Indonesia	NOTES


475 Are there any cultural resources, archaeological remains or places considered sacred by local people in your village or surrounding area?

  • yes ya
  • do not tidak
  • do not know tidak tahu

476 What types of cultural heritage can be found in or around your village? (May give more than one answer; specify any local names/terms)

  • name fossils/ancient bones
  • location lokasi ancient tombs
  • structures, old buildings (ex. stone staircases, stone monuments, caves, longhouses, etc.)
  • pieces of pottery/ceramic antiques/heirlooms
  • communal or family burial grounds / graves
  • indivdual burial areas and graves
  • wooden statues for worship memorials for the dead
  • sites for spiritual ceremonies, offerings, or pilgrimages
  • spiritual or sacred sites including springs, pools, trees, rocks, clearings, or areas of forest
  • particular plants or trees used for cultural or spiritual purposes

477 Why might certain places and area be considered ‘sacred sites’ within your community?

478 Are there any locations that are taboo? Why? Adakah lokasi yang dianggap tabu? Mengapa?

479 Is there a special place where you worship your ancestors?

  • name yes (specify) ya (sebutkan)
  • location lokasi no tidak
  • time / occasion for visit

480 Are there certain areas of the forest that are “sacred” or that belong exclusively to the ancestors? Adakah kawasan hutan tertentu yang “dikeramatkan” atau sebagai milik eksklusif leluhur?

481 Are there particular forest areas or sites, or certain trees, which have cultural significance or “spiritual” value? Adakah kawasan hutan atau situs khusus, atau pepohonan tertentu yang memiliki makna budaya atau nilai “spiritual”?

482 Is there a shrine in or near the village? Apakah ada tempat keramat di desa ini?

  • name yes (specify) ya (sebutkan)
  • location lokasi no tidak time / occasion for visit

483 How do you treat the bodies of your deceased family and community members?

484 Are there any grave sites in the nearby area? If so, where? Apakah ada kuburan di sekitar rumah bapak/ibu? Jika ada kuburan, dimana letaknya?

  • name yes (specify) ya (sebutkan)
  • location lokasi no tidak
  • time / occasion for visit

485 Are there any historic sites that are significant to you or members of your household? Apakah ada tempat bersejarah di sekitar desa ini?

486 If yes, please describe the significance of this site. Jika ya, apa nama tempat bersejarah tersebut?

487 Are any historical sites significant to / curated by your community? Apa fungsi untuk masyarakat sekitar?

488 If yes, please identify the name and location of this site.

489 Is there a specific type of ‘traditional structure’ in this village? Bagaimana Struktur Adat di desa ini?


490 What kind of wild animals, trees and other wild plants that are considered to have the cultural significance to you or other people in your village community? Apakah ada sejenis hewan liar, pohon dan tanaman liar lainnya yang dianggap memiliki nilai penting kebudayaan lokal asli oleh masyarakat di di desa ini?

  • name yes (specify) ya (sebutkan)
  • location lokasi no tidak
  • time / occasion for collection

491 Do you make any clothes / textiles locally?

492 Are there any forms of traditional clothing or ceremonial garments made from local natural resources?

493 Do you collect or harvest any important fibers from the forest or marine environment (e.g. ikat cloth)?

494 Do you collect or harvest any ornamental resources harvested from the forest or marine environment (e.g. shells, flowers)?

495 For what purposes do you use these resources?

496 Who collects them?

497 Where are they collected?

498 Are they over/under harvested?

499 Are they subject to any management or regulation?

500 What are common natural medicines (herbs, etc) ?

501 What are they used for?

502 Where are they located?

503 Are there any restrictions on the collection of natural resources important to your cultural practices or collection of traditional medicine?


504 Do you observe any special ritual or cultural practices? pilgrimage in certain period,

  • pilgrimage in certain period,
  • conduct a ritual in certain period
  • dance
  • sopi drinking
  • special holidays (specify)
  • others (specify)

505 What is the history of this village and the first religion in the village? Apa sejarah dari desa ini dan agama yang pertama di desa ini?

506 Cultural “ways of knowing” / origin stories, ancient beliefs, etc. (epistemology / ontologies) Cara memperoleh pengetahuan / cerita asal-usul, kepercayaan kuno, dll., secara kultural (epistemologi / ontologi)

507 Do you observe any special ritual or cultural practices? pilgrimage in certain period,

  • pilgrimage in certain period,
  • conduct a ritual in certain period
  • dance
  • sopi drinking
  • special holidays (specify)
  • others (specify)

508 Are there any forms of community or traditional leisure activities?