No. QUESTIONS -English QUESTIONS -Bahasa Indonesia PROMPT / OPTIONS -Englsih PROMPT / OPTIONS -Bahasa Indonesia NOTES

446 Can you describe the structure of political authority within your community? Apa saja struktur politik dalam komunitas Anda?

447 Can you describe the relationship between the central government and your regional government (regency/sub-regency)?

448 Can you describe the relationship between your regional government (regency/sub-regency) and your village government?

449 How well represented are men and women in local government? [Are there any women in local government]?

450 Is there one family or ethnic group that is more represented than others in government?

451 Are there any families or ethnic groups that are excluded from government?

452 Are you registered to vote?

453 Did you vote at the last election?

454 Are there other forms of social or political authority within your community that are not part of the government? Apa saja bentuk otoritas politik dan sosial dalam komunitas Anda?

455 Do these structures vary across family groups or community enclaves? Kelompok keluarga atau enclave komunitas?

456 How are leadership roles acquired / maintained? Bagaimana peran kepemimpinan diperoleh/dipertahankan?

457 How strong is traditional authority?

458 Do particular ethic groups have their own / independent forms of leadership? Relasi/kepemimpinan antar- dan intra-kelompok?


No. QUESTIONS -English QUESTIONS -Bahasa Indonesia PROMPT / OPTIONS -Englsih PROMPT / OPTIONS -Bahasa Indonesia NOTES

459 How do you solve problems / conflicts within your community? Bagaimana masyarakat lokal memecahkan permasalahan/konflik ini?

460 How do you solve problems / conflicts with people from other communities?

461 Can you give an example of a traditional settlement?

462 What community facilities are there in this area?

463 What religious facilities are there in this area?

  • mosque mesjid
  • prayer house mushola
  • protestant church gereja protestan
  • catholic church gereja katolik
  • temple pura
  • monastery vihara

463 Are there any community institutions, other than government, which can help to resolve problems / conflicts in the village? Apakah ada institusi lembaga masyarakat yang ditunjuk oleh masyarakat lokal untuk memecahkan permasalahan/konflik yang terjadi di desa ini?

464 Are there any “hot issues” that have the potential to cause conflict in your community? Apa isu hangat/konflik terkini yang terjadi di desa ini?

465 Are there many people could you turn to for help during a serious personal crisis?


No. QUESTIONS -English QUESTIONS -Bahasa Indonesia PROMPT / OPTIONS -Englsih PROMPT / OPTIONS -Bahasa Indonesia NOTES

466 Is there any particular person in your community who you recognize as a trusted public authority? If more than one person, specify starting from the person you believe to be the most prominent public figure.

  • (name of figure)
  • (social status / type public figure)
  • (notes)

467 Do you feel that you are well informed about local affairs and that you can influence decisions that affect your neighborhood?

468 How are group decisions made? Bagaimana keputusan kelompok dibuat?

469 How do you envision a ‘representative’ decision-making process? Bagaimana Anda membayangkan proses pengambilan keputusan melalui ‘perwakilan’?

470 Do you think such a ‘representative’ decision-making process is possible for, and appropriate to, broad community decision-making with regard to your interactions with the project? Apakah Anda pikir ‘perwakilan’ tersebut mungkin dan layak diterapkan pada proses pengambilan keputusan dalam komunitas yang lebih luas sehubungan dengan interaksi Anda dengan Proyek?

471 What mechanisms do communities prefer for continuing consultations? Mekanisme apa yang lebih disukai orang-orang untuk konsultasi bersinambung?

472 What measures do people recommend for mitigation, benefits-sharing, and sustainable development? Langkah-langkah apa yang direkomendasikan oleh orang-orang untuk mitigasi, pembagian-hasil, dan pembangunan berkelanjutan?

473 How do people envision consent might be extended to a long-term engagement plan aimed at maintaining FPIC throughout the project life-cycle? Bagaimana harapan orang-orang apabila kesepakatan ini dapat dikembangkan menjadi rencana kerja sama jangka-panjang yang ditujukan untuk melestarikan hak mereka atas Persetujuan Tanpa Paksaan Atas Dasar Informasi Awal (FPIC, Free, Prior and Informed Consent) selama berlangsungnya proyek ini?