No. QUESTIONS -English QUESTIONS -Bahasa Indonesia PROMPT / OPTIONS -English PROMPT / OPTIONS -Bahasa Indonesia NOTES

509 How do you feel that this region has been ‘developing’ over the past several years? Pengalaman masa lalu dalam proses pembangunan

510 Do you feel that there have been a lot of new companies coming to your area in recent years?

511 Do you feel that there has been much (or any) social or economic change in your village in recent years? Apakah mereka telah melihat adanya dampak pembangunan

512 In what ways do you feel that economic development has affected your community so far? Bagaimana mereka merasa bahwa pembangunan ekonomi sejauh ini memengaruhi komunitasnya?

513 Have you noticed any benefits to your life or business as a result of development activities?

514 Have you noticed any disruptions to your life or business as a result of development activities? Terkait dengan rencana pengembangan area pertambangan atau minyak bumi, apa yang terpikirkan oleh bapak/ibu akan dampak gangguan yang mungkin terjadi berkaitan dengan aktivitas perolehan penghasilan bapak/ibu?

515 Have you experienced any of the following activities? Apakah bapak/ibu pernah mengalami perasaan yang mengganggu yang diakibatkan oleh dampak polusi berikut ini?

  • smoke / smell / sound of the factory asap/bau/suara dari pabrik
  • blasting peledakan
  • continuous noise disturbance gangguan suara yang terus menerus
  • the sound of passing vehicles suara dari kendaraan yang lalu lalang
  • the smell of garbage bau sampah
  • others (specify) lainnya (sebutkan)

516 Have any gardens, sacred sites, etc. been negatively impacted by the island’s development? If ‘yes’, please explain how? * Apakah kebun, situs keramat, dll., telah terkena dampak negatif dari pembangunan pulau ini? Jika ‘ya’, harap dijelaskan.

517 Have their women been harassed / assaulted? * Apakah wanita mereka telah dilecehkan/dihina?

518 How do you deal with these disturbances? Bagaimana bapak/ibu mengelola gangguan tersebut?

519 Would you consider moving away from this village in order to ‘escape’ changes brought on by development?

520 If you would need to move for any reason, how important are each of the following considerations in deciding where to resettle?

  • very important proximity to existing location
  • important road access
  • somewhat important proximity to forest areas
  • not important soil fertility
  • not applicable location of other clan members
  • access to community services
  • community facilities