Housing or shelter that provides access to employment options, markets, and basic infrastructure and services, such as water, electricity, sanitation, health-care, and education. Adequate housing can be measured by quality, safety, affordability, habitability, cultural appropriateness, accessibility, and location characteristics.


  • International Finance Corporation. 2006. "Glossary of Terms." *[IFC Policy & Performance Standards and Guidance Notes](http://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/9a9464804885598c8364d36a6515bb18/Glossary%2Bof%2BTerms.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&attachment=true&id=1322803900995)*. Washington D.C.: International Finance Corporation.[Accessed 1 November 2013]
  • Adapted from: “Culture Heritage and Environmental Assessment”. Environmental Sourcebook [Update 8], World Bank, September 1994.