QUESTIONS -English	QUESTIONS -Bahasa Indonesia	PROMPT / OPTIONS -Englsih	PROMPT / OPTIONS -Bahasa Indonesia	NOTES


521 Have you heard anything about INPEX?

522 What do you know about INPEX?

523 How did you know/learn about INPEX?

  • from village authorities
  • from mass media (specify)
  • directly from INPEX representatives
  • others (specify)
  • don’t know about INPEX

524 Do you have any direct experience with INPEX?

525 What is your opinion with regard to INPEX? Let the respondent answer spontaneously, notice the tendency of the answers, and probe further!

  • beneficial/advantageous because
  • others (explain)

526 Have you heard anything about the Abadi Project?

527 What do you know about the Abadi Project?

528 How did you know/learn about the Abadi Project?

  • from village authorities
  • from mass media (specify)
  • directly from project representatives
  • others (specify)
  • don’t know about the abadi project

529 Do you have any direct experience with the Abadi Project? Pengalaman masa lalu dengan Proyek Abadi

530 Please describe briefly what you think the Abadi Project is / is about? Apakah mereka sadar bahwa Proyek Abadi berbeda dari proyek lain?

531 Are there particular individuals working for Abadi that they trust / have established relations? Apakah mereka mempercayai / membangun relasi dengan personel tertentu yang bekerja di Abadi?

532 What is your opinion with regard the Abadi Project? Let the respondent answer spontaneously, notice the tendency of the answers, and probe further!

  • beneficial/advantageous because
  • others (explain)

533 What, if any, concerns do you have for how the project will affect natural resource availability? Apakah mereka peduli, jika ada, tentang bagaimana proyek akan memengaruhi ketersediaan SDA?


534 In what ways to do you feel that development activities have affected your life? Apakah bapak/ibu pernah mengalami perasaan yang mengganggu yang diakibatkan oleh dampak polusi berikut ini?

  • smoke / smell / sound of the factory asap/bau/suara dari pabrik
  • blasting peledakan
  • continuous noise disturbance gangguan suara yang terus menerus
  • the sound of passing vehicles suara dari kendaraan yang lalu lalang
  • the smell of garbage bau sampah
  • others (explain)

535 How the father / mother manage such disturbances? Bagaimana bapak/ibu mengelola gangguan-gangguan tersebut?