EIB Complaints mechanism
EIB rules governing complaints are set out in three key documents:
A Memorandum of Understanding signed between the EIB and the European Ombudsman in 2008 sets the scene for the two stage complaints process and achieves a common understanding of purpose and consistency of application across its internal and external parts.
The Terms of Reference lay out the role of the EIB-CM, including its status, authority, responsibilities, rules of conduct and relationship with the European Ombudsman and the rest of the EIB. In addition, the Rules of Procedures have provisions regarding the different steps of the mechanism, such as admissibility, how to and about what to complain, and the methods of inquiry.
The Complaints Mechanism Operating Procedures implement the rules to: (i) clarify, improve and formalise current processes, (ii) facilitate and streamline handling of complaints, and (iii) facilitating better cooperation within the EIB and with stakeholders.
Complaints Mechanism of the European Investment Bank
The EIB Complaints Mechanism is a vital tool of horizontal accountability of the EIB Group vis-à-vis its stakeholders for the handling of complaints concerning its activities. It aims at providing the public with procedures enabling the alternative and pre-emptive resolution of disputes between the latter and the EIB Group, including adequate engagement with stakeholders. It provides recourse for people affected by EIB decisions, actions or omissions. Individuals, organisations or corporations that have concerns about the EIB Group’s activities can use the EIB Complaints Mechanism for help. When exercising the right to lodge a complaint against the EIB, any member of the public has access to a two-tier procedure: Internal - a complaint against the EIB is at first handled internally by the Complaints Mechanism Division (EIB-CM), which will seek a solution to the case and may advise the EIB on remedial and/or corrective action, if necessary. External – in case of failure of the EIB-CM to find a solution and/or to provide an appropriate response, escalation of the complaint is possible to a separate, fully independent European Union institution, the European Ombudsman. In order to strengthen the EIB’s Complaints Mechanism, the EIB and the EO signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in 2008 which achieves a common understanding of purpose and consistency of application across the internal and the external parts of the complaints mechanism.
The European Ombudsman
The European Ombudsman (EO) was created by the Maastricht Treaty of 1992 as an EU institution with power to investigate maladministration by any EU institution (including the EIB). Maladministration includes failure to comply with human rights, with the applicable law, or with the principles of good administration. Good administration includes, for example, acting fairly and in accordance with announced policies, providing information on request, and avoiding unnecessary delay. An investigation may be opened on the basis of a complaint or the EO‟s own initiative.
The EO is one of the key instruments of public or “horizontal” accountability of the Union‟s institutions. The Amsterdam treaty in 1997 and the Nice Treaty in 2001 further strengthened the accountability of the institutional framework of the EU. With the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty in December 2009, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union became legally binding.
When maladministration is found, the EO tries to find a friendly solution. If not possible, the EO may make public criticisms and recommendations, including special reports to the directlyelected European Parliament.
In February 2010, the EIB Board of Directors approved the revised “EIB Complaints Mechanism Principles, Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure” (CMPTR), which were based on the MoU between the EIB and the EO and were subject to extensive public consultation.
The EIB-CM internal Operating Procedures have been submitted for consultation to the European Ombudsman and approved by the EIB Management Committee in November 2011. The procedures fully implement the CMPTR and aim (i) at clarifying, improving and formalising current processes, (ii) to facilitate, streamline and better ensure handling of complaints, and (iii) facilitate a better cooperation among the relevant internal and external stakeholders.
The mission of the EIB-CM is to centrally and objectively deal with all complaints from the public concerning alleged maladministration by the EIB, to ensure that stakeholders dispose of appropriate means with a view to voicing their concerns in case of disputes with the EIB and to provide the adequate forum for problem-solving in relation to the issues raised.
The EIB-CM is independent from operational activities and ensures that each complaint is dealt with by the highest standards of objectiveness. It reviews the admissibility of each complaint and decides which procedures to follow. Its findings, conclusions and recommendations are submitted to the EIB Management Committee or to the EIF Chief Executive for EIF related complaints. Its annual Activity Report is submitted to the EIB Board of Directors.
Guiding Principles
- Subject to any applicable legal constraints, the EIB Complaints Mechanism shall be transparent in its operations and outputs.
- The EIB Complaints Mechanism shall be independent of the services, which are responsible for the activities challenged by the complainant.
- The EIB Complaints Mechanism shall be effective in responding in a timely manner to concerns expressed by people being or feeling affected by EIB decisions.
- The EIB Complaints Mechanism shall be part of the institutional context of the European Union.
- The EIB Complaints Mechanism shall be accessible to affected people, their representatives and/or interested organisations or individuals.
- In the light of these principles, the development of the EIB Complaints Mechanism shall be the result of an open consultative process with EIB‟s various stakeholders.
- Mediation – If agreed by all parties involved, the EIB-CM can facilitate different forms of collaborative resolution processes between the Complainants/Requestors and the Bank‟s Management/Services and/or Project Promoter and/or national authorities as appropriate.
- Investigation – The EIB-CM may perform investigations / compliance reviews to determine the EIB‟s compliance with applicable rules, regulations and other provisions, such as polices and standards and, if applicable, to evaluate the adequacy of the relevant provisions.
- Monitoring – The EIB-CM follows-up on further developments and implementation of proposed corrective actions and recommendations, accepted by the EIB.
- Advisory – Within the scope of its responsibilities, the EIB-CM provides advice to the EIB Governing Bodies on broader and systemic issues related to policies, standards, procedures, guidelines, resources, and systems, on the basis of lessons learned from the complaints handling. Complainants may specifically ask for mediation or investigation or a combination of the two. The EIB-CM decides on the procedures to follow, taking into account the specific requests, the opportunities for mediation and the need to assess compliance.
The EIB-CM is committed to conducting assessments, followed by investigations and or consultative resolution processes if deemed necessary, into all admissible complaints and to engaging with all stakeholders as necessary in order to arrive at an informed and reasoned opinion and, if possible, to a solution of the problem. The results of the EIB-CM process may be any combination of:
- No problem(s) found / No further action required
- Problem solved during the complaint handling process
- The recommendation of corrective action(s)
- The recommendation of improvements to EIB existing policies or procedures. Other outcomes are: the systemic observations in terms of corporate learning; the follow-up in terms of implementation of recommendations; public awareness in terms of publication and outreach and awareness sessions.
Processing and Output
The process for handling complaints will be modulated according to (i) the complexity of the complaint, (ii) the existence of “red flags” indicating that the complaint could be grounded and (iii) facts revealed during the assessment / investigation process. The first step is an Initial Assessment phase to determine the seriousness of the concerns raise. If justified, an investigation, including a compliance review, will take place. If deemed necessary and useful, this investigation / compliance review may be supplemented by other problem solving and mediation techniques, with a view to properly address the issues raised. At the end of the complaint handling process the EIB-CM produces its final Conclusions Report. For complaints regarding EIB lending operations a more extensive and formal process applies, with an Initial Assessment Report produced with a decision whether or not to proceed and a clear outline of the course of action proposed. Both the Initial Assessment Report and the Conclusions Report are submitted in draft form for comments to the relevant stakeholders. During the handling of the complaint, the EIB-CM may produce an internal interim report for the attention of the Management Committee, with specific recommendations if applicable.
Eligibility - Compliance Investigation
For those projects that raise substantial concerns regarding social or environmental outcomes and or seriously question governance of objects or vehicles of EIB financing:
- Understand how EIB operational services have ensured (i) compliance with applicable frameworks (Laws, rules and regulation, EIB policies and standards) and (ii) appropriate project performance;
- Assess potential indications that EIB policies, standards and guidelines could have failed to provide an adequate level of protection and safeguard;
- Identify, if any, reasonable indications of non-compliance with applicable frameworks (Laws, rules and regulation, EIB policies and standards);
Complaints mechanism cases
Received Date | Type | Case Name | Country/Territory | Allegations | Last Stage Completed | Current Status |
6/6/2017 | F | Call for Expression JER-009/8-07 | Bulgaria | Unfair evaluation | Assessment | |
2/6/2017 | F | Call for Expression ESIF FoF 2016/01 | Unfair evaluation | Assessment | ||
1/6/2017 | E | Trans Adriatic Pipeline | Albania | Unfair compensation after expropriation | 14/06/2017 | Assessment |
25/05/2017 | E | Regional Mombasa Port Access Road | Kenya | Inadequate compensation after eviction | Assessment | |
22/05/2017 | E | Regional Mombasa Port Access Road | Kenya | Inadequate compensation after eviction | Assessment | |
19/05/2017 | F | Municipal & Regional Infrastruct Loan | Serbia | Project implementation of the University of Belgrade | Assessment | |
19/05/2017 | E | Regional Mombasa Port Access Road | Kenya | Inadequate compensation after eviction | Assessment | |
15/05/2017 | E | Centrale Solaire de Ouarzazate | Morocco | Breach of employment convention by the project promoter | Assessment | |
9/5/2017 | E | Regional Mombasa Port Access Road | Kenya | Inadequate compensation after eviction | Assessment | |
8/5/2017 | F | Las Palmas Bus Rapid Transit | Spain | Lack of transparency following request for information regarding the project | Assessment | |
3/5/2017 | G | Failure to Reply | Ghana | Failure to reply | 29/05/2017 | Closed |
2/5/2017 | G | Technical Assistance TA2015041 | Alleged change of offer conditions after the award | Assessment | ||
2/5/2017 | E | Corridor VC Mostar South | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Negative impact of the project on cultural heritage | 12/5/2017 | Assessment |
28/04/2017 | P | Kutaisi Waste Water | Georgia | Alleged short deadline to provide clarifications | 2/6/2017 | Closed |
24/04/2017 | P | ECOTITANIUM | France | Lack of transparency during procurement procedure | Assessment | |
20/04/2017 | P | Tanzania Backbone Interconnector | Tanzania | Unfair evaluation of the bid | Assessment | |
18/04/2017 | P | Dubrovnik Airport Development | Croatia | Unfair tender requirement | Assessment | |
13/04/2017 | P | Clinical Centers | Serbia | Allegations of irregularities | Assessment | |
3/4/2017 | E | Regional Mombasa Port Access Road | Kenya | Inadequate compensation after eviction | Assessment | |
29/03/2017 | E | Regional Mombasa Port Access Road | Kenya | Inadequate compensation after eviction | Assessment | |
29/03/2017 | E | Regional Mombasa Port Access Road | Kenya | Inadequate compensation after eviction | Assessment | |
27/03/2017 | E | Regional Mombasa Port Access Road | Kenya | Inadequate compensation after eviction | Assessment | |
15/03/2017 | G | InnovFin Fund | Germany | Loan refusal without technical assessment | 29/03/2017 | Closed |
14/03/2017 | H | Recruitment Procedures 103550 | Unknown | Unfair handling of recruitment process | 23/05/2017 | Closed |
13/03/2017 | P | Autoroute Sfax-Gabes | Tunisia | Unfair competition | 3/4/2017 | Closed |
2/3/2017 | E | Cairo Metro Line 3 (Phase 3) | Egypt | Resettlement compensation | Assessment | |
2/3/2017 | E | Regional Mombasa Port Access Road | Kenya | Inadequate compensation after eviction | Assessment | |
1/3/2017 | E | Regional Mombasa Port Access Road | Kenya | Inadequate compensation after eviction | Assessment | |
28/02/2017 | G | Technical Assistance on WSS & HW project | Zambia | Breach of the EIB's Technical Assistance Contract | 19/06/2017 | Closed |
27/02/2017 | P | Upgrading of Judiciary Buildings | Serbia | Unfair evaluation of the bid | Assessment | |
16/02/2017 | P | Georgia East-West Highway | Georgia | Unfair competition of the bidder | Assessment | |
8/2/2017 | E | Trans Adriatic Pipeline | Italy | Negative impacts on the complainant’s business activity | 15/03/2017 | Closed |
8/2/2017 | INA | Trains supervision contract | Brazil | Procurement irregularities | 27/02/2017 | Closed |
7/2/2017 | F | InnovFin | Luxembourg | Unfair evaluation; EIF's failure to meet InnovFin objectives | Assessment | |
6/2/2017 | E | Autoroute A45 PPP | France | Non-compliance with applicable regulatory framework | 29/03/2017 | Closed |
3/2/2017 | P | Water and Sanitation Federation BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Unfair disqualification of the bidder | Assessment | |
3/2/2017 | H | Selection Process 103444 | Unknown | Lack of transparency of the EIB recruitment campaign | Follow Up | |
30/01/2017 | G | Loan refusal | France | Loan refusal | 24/02/2017 | Closed |
27/01/2017 | E | Armenia M6 Interstate Road | Armenia | Social impacts of road construction | Consultation | |
27/01/2017 | E | Nenskra HPP | Georgia | Inadequate assessment of natural geological hazards | 2/3/2017 | Closed |
19/01/2017 | H | Failure to Reply | Unknown | Absense of reply following 2 job applications | 20/02/2017 | Closed |
18/01/2017 | E | Regional Mombasa Port Access Road | Kenya | Inadequate compensation after eviction | Assessment | |
15/01/2017 | H | Selection Process 102785-103153-103378 | Unknown | Unfair treatment in the selection process and lack of transparency | 10/5/2017 | Closed |
12/1/2017 | P | Sao Paulo Rolling Stock | Brazil | Unfair disqualification of the bidder | Investigation | |
9/1/2017 | E | Georgia East-West Highway | Georgia | Lack of compensation | Assessment | |
6/1/2017 | E | JASPERS - Ljubiljana Wastewater Collection & Treatment | Slovenia | Alleged that the project is harmful and risky for environment; irrational spending of public funds | 20/06/2017 | Consultation |
4/1/2017 | F | PAROSENI Power Plant | Romania | Allegations of payment default by the beneficiary | Investigation | |
21/12/2016 | E | JASPERS - Lecevica Waste Management Centre | Croatia | Health/impacts on drinking water | 20/06/2017 | Consultation |
16/12/2016 | P | Clinical Centers | Serbia | Complaint against the EIB decision to cancel the tender | Investigation | |
16/12/2016 | P | Transmission Line Yacyreta | Paraguay | Unfair evaluation and breach of the applicable procurement process | Investigation | |
13/12/2016 | P | Lusaka Power Transmission & Distribution Network | Zambia | Conflict of interest | 19/01/2017 | Closed |
12/12/2016 | P | Autoroute Sfax-Gabes | Tunisia | Allegations of discrimination against foreign companies | 19/01/2017 | Closed |
8/12/2016 | H | Rejection of application | Unknown | Unfair disqualification | 31/01/2017 | Closed |
22/11/2016 | E | KANIV Pumped Storage Plant | Ukraine | Environmental and social impacts of the project | 15/12/2016 | Closed |
17/11/2016 | F | Intermediary bank in Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso | Lack of information from intermediary bank | 13/02/2017 | Closed |
15/11/2016 | P | Water and Sanitation Federation BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Incorrect implementation of tendering procedures | 4/5/2017 | Closed |
11/11/2016 | P | Public Sector Research and Development | Serbia | Winning tender non-compliant with technical requirements | 19/06/2017 | Closed |
11/11/2016 | E | Reseau Ferroviaire Rapide | Tunisia | Environmental and social impacts of the project | Investigation | |
9/11/2016 | E | KANIV Pumped Storage Plant | Ukraine | Environmental and social impacts of the project | 15/12/2016 | Closed |
26/10/2016 | P | Armenia M6 Interstate Road | Armenia | Unfair disqualification of the tender | Consultation | |
25/10/2016 | G | Credit line/absence of reply | Switzerland | Absence of reply | 10/11/2016 | Closed |
13/10/2016 | P | Kesrwan Water and Wastewater Project | Lebanon | Eligibility criteria concerning pre-selection of bidders | 27/04/2017 | Closed |
13/10/2016 | E | Trans Adriatic Pipeline | Italy | Social and environmental impacts of the project/compensation | 19/12/2016 | Closed |
12/10/2016 | P | Water and Sanitation BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Procedure of the evaluation of the tender | 4/5/2017 | Closed |
12/10/2016 | E | Banja Luka-Doboj Motorway | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Environmental impacts and planning of the project | Assessment | |
11/10/2016 | E | Trans Adriatic Pipeline | Italy | Compensation/Social impacts of the project | 19/12/2016 | Closed |
29/09/2016 | E | Trans Adriatic Pipeline | Albania | Compensation/Social impacts of the project | 20/12/2016 | Closed |
29/09/2016 | E | Trans Adriatic Pipeline | Albania | Compensation/Social impacts of the project | 25/10/2016 | Closed |
29/09/2016 | E | Trans Adriatic Pipeline | Albania | Compensation/Social impacts of the project | 25/10/2016 | Closed |
28/09/2016 | E | CA CCFL Reventazon Hydropower | Costa Rica | Non-compliance with the EIB’s environmental and social safeguards for the project | Investigation | |
22/09/2016 | G | Loans to social enterprises | Greece | Negative response following a loan application | 13/02/2017 | Closed |
20/09/2016 | G | Lack of information | Sweden | Lack of information from the Bank following 3 requests for information | 11/10/2016 | Closed |
20/09/2016 | INA | Corridor VC Mostar South | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Damages on agriculture and cultural landscape | 22/12/2016 | Closed |
14/09/2016 | P | Water and Sanitation RS | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Procurement / Unfair disqualification of the tender | 4/5/2017 | Closed |
14/09/2016 | E | Trans Adriatic Pipeline | Albania | Compensation/Social impacts of the project | 25/10/2016 | Closed |
13/09/2016 | G | Failure to Reply | France | No response from the Bank following loan application | 23/12/2016 | Closed |
7/9/2016 | E | Trans Adriatic Pipeline | Albania | Compensation/Social impacts of the project | 25/10/2016 | Closed |
7/9/2016 | E | Trans Adriatic Pipeline | Albania | Compensation/Social impacts of the project | 25/10/2016 | Closed |
7/9/2016 | E | Trans Adriatic Pipeline | Albania | Compensation/Social impacts of the project | 25/10/2016 | Closed |
5/9/2016 | F | Refinancing Terms | Austria | Refinancing terms from intermediary bank | 6/10/2016 | Closed |
2/9/2016 | E | Trans Adriatic Pipeline | Albania | Compensation/Social impacts of the project | 25/10/2016 | Closed |
2/9/2016 | E | Trans Adriatic Pipeline | Albania | Compensation/Social impacts of the project | 25/10/2016 | Closed |
24/08/2016 | E | Trans Adriatic Pipeline | Albania | Social impacts of the project | 25/10/2016 | Closed |
19/08/2016 | F | Intermediary Bank in Spain | Spain | Lack of formal response from a bank managing the EIB funds | 11/11/2016 | Closed |
10/8/2016 | E | JESSICA Initiative | Bulgaria | Environmental impacts of the project | Assessment | |
3/8/2016 | P | Georgia Urban Reconstruction and Development FL | Georgia | Non-inclusion in the shortlist for submitting a detailed tender proposal for the provision of consultancy services | 9/12/2016 | Closed |
2/8/2016 | INA | Modernisation rehabilitation works on section Virpazar-Sutomore in Tunnel Sozina project | United Kingdom | Unfair competition | 17/08/2016 | Closed |
26/07/2016 | E | Grand Contournement Ouest de Strasbourg | France | Environmental impacts | Investigation | |
23/07/2016 | E | Trans Adriatic Pipeline | Albania | Environmental and social impacts | 25/09/2016 | Closed |
22/07/2016 | P | School Modernisation Programme | Serbia | Deficiencies in the bids for Lot 2 | 3/11/2016 | Closed |
11/7/2016 | H | Wording of vacancy | Unknown | Complaint concerning the wording used in a published vacancy | 27/07/2016 | Closed |
8/7/2016 | G | Confidential | Unknown | Confidential | 30/05/2017 | Closed |
7/7/2016 | H | Explanation for refusal | Unknown | Explanation why application did not correspond to the requirements of the post | 2/9/2016 | Closed |
19/06/2016 | E | Cairo Metro Line 3 (Phase 3) | Egypt | Resettlement – adequacy of compensation | Assessment | |
16/06/2016 | F | Frankfurt Flughafen Terminal 3 | Germany | Non-compliance with Regulation of the European Parliament on the European Fund for Strategic Investments | ||
8/6/2016 | H | Rejection of Applications | Unknown | Allegations of discrimination | 30/09/2016 | Closed |
3/6/2016 | H | Selection Process | Unknown | Unfair profile rejection decision | 30/09/2016 | Closed |
3/6/2016 | E | Highway D4 and Motorway R7 | Non-compliance with local environmental laws and public consultation process | Assessment | ||
25/05/2016 | P | Belgrad By-Pass | Serbia | Procurement | 13/06/2016 | Closed |
23/05/2016 | P | CLSG Interconnection | West Africa | Unfair qualification criteria | 1/7/2016 | Closed |
16/05/2016 | P | Ulaanbaatar WWS | Mongolia | Complainant challenged the non-objection given by the Bank to the final award decision given by the promoter | 2/12/2016 | Closed |
15/05/2016 | INA | Tataouine | Tunisia | Not specified | 21/09/2016 | Closed |
12/5/2016 | C | EIB Bond Reimbursement | Italy | Failure to credit the principal repayment and interests accrued with regard to an EIB bond | 7/7/2016 | Closed |
5/5/2016 | E | Projects Solaires Ouarzazate | Morocco | Breach of employment convention by the project promoter | 12/9/2016 | Closed |
3/5/2016 | P | Modernisation Routière I | Tunisia | Unfair termination of contract | 27/04/2017 | Closed |
2/5/2016 | INA | Failure to reply by the EIB Personnel Directorate | Unknown | Failure to reply by the EIB Personnel Directorate | 18/05/2016 | Closed |
23/04/2016 | P | Port of Durres Ferry Terminal | Albania | Breach of communciation provision during the tender process | 24/11/2016 | Closed |
21/04/2016 | E | Georgia East-West Highway | Georgia | Expropriation/Inadequate compensation | Assessment | |
19/04/2016 | P | Belgrade City Sava Bridge | Serbia | Alleged breach of the EIB’s procurement standards; alleged lack of transparency in the handling of the procurement procedure | Investigation | |
13/04/2016 | H | Recruitment process | Unknown | Lack of transparency in recruitment process | 31/05/2016 | Closed |
6/4/2016 | E | Réseau Ferroviaire Rapide | Tunisia | Alleged irregularities on the handling of the expropriation process and alleged lack of proper public consultation | Investigation | |
6/4/2016 | E | Nam Theun 2 Hydroelectric | Non-compliance with the Bank's environmental and social standards and human rights | Assessment | ||
29/03/2016 | F | JEREMIE Bulgaria | Bulgaria | Unfair treatment of renegotiation | 30/08/2016 | Closed |
23/03/2016 | F | Prêt Global PRO PME III | Cameroon | Intermediary refusal to disclose the conditions | 28/09/2016 | Closed |
11/3/2016 | P | Emergency Flood Relief and Prevention Project | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Unfair evaluation and breach of the applicable procurement process | 18/10/2016 | Closed |
11/3/2016 | F | Metro de Quito | Ecuador | Questioning of the ultimate concept of the project | 10/10/2016 | Closed |
16/02/2016 | P | School Modernisation Programme | Serbia | Irregularities in the procurement procedure and in the requirements of the tender documentation | 5/4/2016 | Closed |
16/02/2016 | G | Transparency Policy | Unknown | Non-compliance of the EIB Transparency Policy with EU and international law of access to information | Investigation | |
15/02/2016 | P | Port of Durres Ferry Terminal | Albania | Unfair evaluation of the tenders | 14/03/2016 | Closed |
10/2/2016 | C | ISK Bonds | Germany | No satisfactory answer neither from the intermediary bank nor from the custody organization | 19/09/2016 | Closed |
3/2/2016 | G | TA for Social and Affordable Housing Program | Unknown | Irregularities in the award of the Technical Assistance contract | Investigation | |
12/1/2016 | P | Nepal Power System Expansion | Nepal | Irregularities in the evaluation of the tender | 31/03/2016 | Closed |
11/1/2016 | H | Code of conduct | Unknown | Use of work e-mail for messages in a personal conflict & allegations of faulse declarations | 15/03/2016 | Closed |
8/1/2016 | E | Rocade Extérieure du Grand Tunis | Tunisia | Irregulatities in the selection of land for the project and applicable zoning permits | 30/05/2017 | Closed |
4/1/2016 | H | Recruitment of trainees | Unknown | Discrimination during recruitment process | 28/01/2016 | Closed |
28/12/2015 | A | ETAP South Tunisian Gas | Tunisia | Failure of the EIB to provide access to documents related to the project | Investigation | |
17/12/2015 | E | Trans Adriatic Pipeline | Greece | Negative environmental and social impacts | Follow Up | |
15/12/2015 | P | Public Sector Research and Development | Serbia | Appeal for permission to purchase Apple computers for Serbian CERN scientists under Public Sector Research and Development Loan from the EIB | 5/2/2016 | Closed |
14/12/2015 | P | Public Sector Research and Development | Serbia | Unfair evaluation of the tenders | 1/7/2016 | Closed |
1/12/2015 | E | University di Verona | Italy | Alleged breach of environmental and UNESCO applicable regulatory framework | Assessment | |
18/11/2015 | INA | Florence Airport | Italy | Negative environmental impacts | 31/12/2015 | Closed |
5/11/2015 | E | D4R7 Slovakia PPP | Slovakia | Failure to assess governance aspects of the project as well as environmental and social impacts | 4/5/2017 | Closed |
22/10/2015 | G | InnovFin | Failure to reply | 3/12/2015 | Closed | |
15/10/2015 | INA | Oosterweelverbinding | Negative socio-environmental impact/wrong announcement | 19/11/2015 | Closed | |
5/10/2015 | E | Trans Adriatic Pipeline | Greece | Failure to carry out proper consultation and impact assessment | 9/12/2015 | Closed |
2/10/2015 | P | Road Modernisation Federation BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Procurement irregularities | 27/10/2015 | Closed |
24/09/2015 | E | S7 Expressway | Poland | Environmental impact of the project | Assessment | |
9/9/2015 | P | Metro de Quito | Ecuador | Procurement process | 30/09/2015 | Closed |
7/9/2015 | E | NER 300 Cyprus | Environmental impact assessment and financial sustainability of the project | Follow Up | ||
6/9/2015 | G | Marrakech Health Care | Morocco | Unfair rejection of financing proposal | 15/12/2015 | Closed |
28/08/2015 | E | Trans Adriatic Pipeline | Greece | Failure to carry out proper consultation and impact assessment | 11/9/2015 | Closed |
19/08/2015 | G | InnovFin | Unknown | Lack of response response after 2 applications to InnovFin | 3/9/2015 | Closed |
18/08/2015 | E | Sofia Municipal Infrastructure | Bulgaria | Social and environmental due diligence; insufficient planning | 4/5/2017 | Closed |
10/8/2015 | E | EGP-Powercrop Biomass Programme | Italy | Negative enviromental impacts and discrepancies during project implementation | Investigation | |
31/07/2015 | P | Corridor VC Pocitelj – Bijaca | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Unfair prequalification process and unfair dismissal | 18/01/2016 | Closed |
27/07/2015 | G | Housing in Zambia | Zambia | Alleged failure to provide information by the EIB's representative bank in Zambia | ||
16/07/2015 | INA | Novokyivska - Severna Transmission Line | Ukraine | Alleged negative health and environmental impact | 5/10/2015 | Closed |
14/07/2015 | F | JEREMIE | Bulgaria | Rejection of an investment application | 26/04/2017 | Closed |
24/06/2015 | F | Conditions for funding SMEs | Cyprus | Alleged unfair conditions for funding SMEs | 3/8/2015 | Closed |
22/06/2015 | INA | Frankfurt Airport A380 Extension | Germany | Negative environmental impact | 24/06/2015 | Closed |
19/06/2015 | H | Recruitment Process | Unknown | Failure to reply | 26/06/2015 | Closed |
17/06/2015 | H | Child Allowance | Unknown | Non-respect contractuel du versement des allocations familiales par un membre du personnel de la Banque | 30/10/2015 | Closed |
15/06/2015 | R | Loan BNDE/BEI | Morocco | Material prejudice against the complainant resulting from a financial intermediary. | 15/06/2015 | Closed |
9/6/2015 | H | Feedback on Selection Process | Unknown | Lack of feedback on selection process | 13/08/2015 | Closed |
9/6/2015 | R | High Speed Train | Italy | Negative Impact of Project | 12/6/2015 | Closed |
27/05/2015 | P | Autoroute Sfax-Gabes | Tunisia | Unjustified delays | 4/8/2015 | Assessment |
21/05/2015 | E | Termovalorizzatore di Firenze | Italy | Allegations concerning the environmental impact (i) and governance aspects (ii) of the project | Investigation | |
20/05/2015 | E | A4 Motorway Zgorzelec - Krzyowa | Poland | Negative social impact and non-compliance with national applicable law | 16/12/2016 | Closed |
20/05/2015 | E | Vasilikos-Western Nicosia Conveyor Water Supply | Cyprus | Concerns regarding water management | 4/6/2015 | Closed |
13/05/2015 | F | WAT SAN RS | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Implementation issues | 4/8/2015 | Investigation |
6/5/2015 | H | Deadline for Vacancy | Unknown | Position advertized on www.eurobrussels.com but not open on the EIB website | 13/05/2015 | Closed |
28/04/2015 | F | Transmission Line Yacyreta | Paraguay | Alleged irregularities in the monitoring of the EIB loan | 30/09/2015 | Closed |
28/04/2015 | H | Recruitment Process | Unknown | Unfair treatment in the recruitment process | 27/05/2015 | Closed |
28/04/2015 | P | Hanoi Pilote Light Metro Line | Vietnam | Tender Procedure | 13/05/2015 | Closed |
22/04/2015 | E | Termovalorizzatore di Firenze | Italy | Non-compliance with environmental policies | 13/05/2015 | Closed |
22/04/2015 | E | ELENA Environmental Impact | Sweden | Financial and safety aspects of the project | 13/05/2015 | Closed |
17/04/2015 | G | ELENA/EIB Initiative | Greece | Unfair rejection in evaluation process | 6/7/2015 | Closed |
15/04/2015 | P | Retention Amount, Serajevy Bypass | Bosnia and Herzegovina | The company has not been paid | ||
10/4/2015 | G | Sarajevo Bypass | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Alleged non-payment of a retention amount by the main contractor and EIB’s prevention of a direct payment by the promoter instead of the contractor | 11/8/2015 | Closed |
1/4/2015 | P | Kataniceva Reconstruction | Serbia | Tender Procedure | 4/8/2015 | Assessment |
31/03/2015 | P | Upgrading of Judiciary Buildings | Serbia | Alleged irregularities in the handling of the procurement procedure | Investigation | |
27/03/2015 | P | Upgrading of Judiciary Buildings | Serbia | Alleged irregularities in handling of the tender procedure and awarding of the contract | Investigation | |
27/03/2015 | H | Recruitment Process | Unknown | Non-reimbursement of recruitment expenses | 8/4/2015 | Closed |
25/03/2015 | H | Applications Feedback | Unknown | No feedback received for several applications | 13/05/2015 | Closed |
23/03/2015 | C | Value EIB Bonds | Italy | Operation Change Value | 21/04/2015 | Closed |
5/3/2015 | E | Mallorca Hospital | Spain | Negative impact on the natural and historical landscape | 2/6/2016 | Closed |
2/3/2015 | G | Castilla y Leon Loan for SMEs and Mid-CAP | Spain | Rejection of an application for an allocation under the Castilla y León Loan for SMEs and Mid-Caps | 24/07/2015 | Closed |
5/2/2015 | F | Transmission Line Yacyreta | Paraguay | Alleged irregularities in the monitoring of the EIB loan | 21/10/2016 | Closed |
27/01/2015 | E | Mediterranean Railway Corridor | Spain | Failure to carry out proper consultation and evaluation of impacts | 21/12/2015 | Closed |
16/01/2015 | G | Microbial Fuel Cell | Unknown | Confidential | 24/03/2015 | Closed |
12/1/2015 | E | Vladivostok CHP Project | Russian Fed. | Alleged negative environmental effects | 24/04/2015 | Closed |
30/12/2014 | E | Cairo Metro Line 3 (Phase 3) | Egypt | Negative impacts of the project | 28/04/2015 | Closed |
24/12/2014 | P | Public Sector Research and Development | Serbia | Unfair evaluation of tender | 19/06/2015 | Closed |
15/12/2014 | F | EIF Intermediary Bank | Bulgaria | |||
3/12/2014 | P | Réhabilitation Urbaine | Tunisia | Alleged domestic preference. | 28/07/2015 | Closed |
17/11/2014 | E | Groupe OCP – Modernisation | Morocco | Alleged irregularities in recruitment programme | 11/12/2014 | Closed |
14/11/2014 | G | EIB Switchboard | Luxembourg | Unfriendly behaviour by switchboard operator | 19/12/2014 | Closed |
10/11/2014 | P | Gas transmission System - Zagreb | Serbia | Unfair exclusion from the tender evaluation | 22/01/2010 | Closed |
10/10/2014 | P | Water and Sanitation | Montenegro | Inconsistent and irregular procedural requirements | 13/12/2013 | Closed |
8/10/2014 | G | Solventure Project Greece | Greece | Failure to comply with the EIB lending policies | 28/11/2014 | Closed |
8/10/2014 | F | Loans Agreement | Cyprus | Complaint about the Loans Agreement under the JEREMIE initiative in Cyprus. | 20/10/2014 | Closed |
7/10/2014 | E | Municipal and Regional Infrastructure Loan | Serbia | Allegedly negative impact of the project on local business | 20/04/2015 | Closed |
2/10/2014 | G | Failure of reply from intermediary bank | Spain | Failure of reply from intermediary bank, Spain | 17/01/2014 | Closed |
24/09/2014 | F | JEREMIE | Cyprus | Allegedly unfair handling of loan applications by intermediary bank | 31/05/2016 | Closed |
21/09/2014 | E | EMS Electricity Network Upgrading | Serbia | Allegedly outdated project documentation; allegedly negative environmental (health/safety) impacts of the project | Investigation | |
18/09/2014 | G | Renewable Energy | Ireland | Failure to comply with the EU environmental law and EIB standards | Follow Up | |
4/9/2014 | P | Westmetro | Finland | Unfair procurement procedure | 9/10/2014 | Closed |
3/9/2014 | H | Outstanding Payment | Unknown | Request to communicate the date of payment of invoices that are overdue for a temporary worker | 23/09/2014 | Closed |
28/08/2014 | R | Nuisance calls | Unknown | Complainant receives calls from Francis from EIB NSW. | 2/9/2014 | Closed |
7/8/2014 | INA | Web Slot Italia | Italy | Lack of maintenance of slot machines’ system | 18/08/2014 | Closed |
1/8/2014 | E | Olkaria B | Kenya | Failure to adequately implement the Resettlement Action Plan; alleged forced eviction | Follow Up | |
31/07/2014 | P | Water Infrastructure Modernisation II-B | Georgia | Unfair contract award | Investigation | |
21/07/2014 | P | Water Infrastructure Modernisation II-A | Georgia | Unfair contract award | Investigation | |
17/07/2014 | R | Nuclear engineering | Russian Fed. | Criminal activities and corruption in government and administration in the field of nuclear engineering. | 24/07/2014 | Closed |
16/07/2014 | E | Olkaria A | Kenya | Failure to adequately implement the Resettlement Action Plan; alleged forced eviction | Follow Up | |
14/07/2014 | P | Call for Tender VP 1086 | Greece | Unsatisfactory justification of the outcome of Tender VP 1086 | 10/11/2014 | Closed |
8/7/2014 | F | Jessica | Poland | Non-payment of construction works by a project Promoter | 30/09/2014 | Closed |
18/06/2014 | P | Water and Sanitation RS - Pale | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Unfair disqualification of bid. | 18/06/2014 | Admissibility |
17/06/2014 | E | Fier Bypass | Albania | Unfair expropriation and compensation values | 31/07/2015 | Closed |
3/6/2014 | INA | Poland Roads and Motorways | Poland | Alleged breach of national and EU environmental law; violation of property rights and unfair expropriation of lands | 10/6/2014 | Closed |
2/6/2014 | H | Failure Follow-up | Unknown | Failure to reply to enquiry concerning equivalence of academic qualifications | 28/07/2014 | Closed |
19/05/2014 | F | Toruń Bridge | Poland | Inappropriate financing decision, negatively impacting national debt, in breach of national legislation. | 25/07/2014 | Closed |
19/05/2014 | P | Svilaj Bridge | Croatia | Breach of transparency and confidentiality in the procurement procedure | 6/8/2014 | Closed |
14/05/2014 | E | Mediterranean Railway Corridor | Spain | Failure to carry out proper consultation and evaluation of impacts | 11/6/2014 | Closed |
13/05/2014 | F | FITAP | Belgium | Conflict of interest/unfair treatment | 12/6/2014 | Closed |
13/05/2014 | INA | Cyprus Haircut | United Kingdom | Alleged irregularities in the Cypriot Bank haircut | 22/05/2014 | Closed |
9/5/2014 | INA | Orange Savings Account | Turkey | Unpaid interest | 20/05/2014 | Closed |
5/5/2014 | F | Feasibility Study for the Mediterranean Sea Maritime Development Cooperation | Denmark | Unpaid invoices | 10/11/2014 | Closed |
29/04/2014 | INA | Food Factory Romania | Romania | Damages/enforcement of national judgements | 15/05/2014 | Closed |
22/04/2014 | P | Moldova Roads II | Moldova, Republic of | Breach of EIB procurement standards; lack of transparency by Contracting Authority | 14/07/2016 | Closed |
8/4/2014 | INA | Comment on a Social Network | Unknown | Comment on a social network | 10/4/2014 | Closed |
7/4/2014 | INA | Derbyshire Incineration Plant | United Kingdom | Environmental impact of the project | 7/5/2014 | Closed |
4/4/2014 | F | JEREMIE | Greece | Alleged slow and improper treatment of loan applications to an EIB intermediary Bank | 30/09/2014 | Closed |
24/03/2014 | P | Water and Sanitation RS | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Unfair handling of tender procedure by the Contracting Authority | ||
19/03/2014 | A | Cassa per il Mezzogiorno II | Italy | EIB's alleged failure to give the complainant access to a document | 30/09/2014 | Closed |
18/03/2014 | P | Railways Rehabilitation II | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Unfair evaluation of the tenders | Investigation | |
13/03/2014 | F | Baltic Innovation Fund (BIF) | Lithuania | Concerns about the eligibility of a company to receive funds under the Baltic Investment Fund | 14/04/2014 | Closed |
3/3/2014 | E | Belgrade Bypass | Serbia | Negative environmental and economic impacts of the Petlovo Brdo Interchange, part of the Belgrade Bypass Project | 27/12/2016 | Closed |
26/02/2014 | F | Bosnia Herzegovina Roads | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Alleged unfair termination of the contract | 22/07/2014 | Closed |
17/02/2014 | F | Post-Tsunami Line of Credit | Sri Lanka | Potential unfair treatment | 8/4/2014 | Closed |
13/02/2014 | P | Public Sector Research and Development | Serbia | Irregularities in a procurement process | 26/05/2014 | Closed |
11/2/2014 | A | Cassa per il Mezzogiorno | Italy | Failure to reply to the complainant's request for access to documents | 31/03/2014 | Closed |
4/2/2014 | H | Failure to reply on GRAD application | Unknown | Allegedly false information provided by a personnel representative following requests for information | 28/04/2014 | Closed |
28/01/2014 | E | Valencia Centros Escolares II - 2 | Spain | Alleged failure to monitor project implementation | 6/2/2015 | Closed |
22/01/2014 | E | Route E420 Frasnes-Bruly RTE | Belgium | Missing study of alternatives, efficiency and relevance of the project | Assessment | |
21/01/2014 | E | AES Sonel - Electricity Supply | Cameroon | Failure to assess core labour issues and failure to report on environmental and social impacts. | 16/12/2014 | Closed |
16/01/2014 | F | Castor Underground Gas Storage | Spain | Governance of the EIB's economic and promoter due diligence | Investigation | |
16/01/2014 | G | Programme CIP | France | Inappropriate functioning of an EIF guarantee program | 16/07/2014 | Closed |
4/12/2013 | E | Castor Underground Gas Storage (TEN) | Spain | Breach of EU Directives in the construction of natural gas storage facility and ancillary facilities | Consultation | |
3/12/2013 | G | Erronous phone number - Confirmatory complaint | Luxembourg | Telephonic error | 17/12/2013 | Closed |
24/11/2013 | R | Application for a loan backed by EIF | Unknown | Refusal to be awarded a grant from the Government | 29/11/2013 | Closed |
23/11/2013 | H | Job Opportunities Website Issues | Unknown | EIB recruitment webpage does not provide a list of current vacancies | 11/12/2013 | Closed |
22/11/2013 | P | Water and Sanitation | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Procurement process not transparent | 20/03/2014 | Closed |
18/11/2013 | F | Unfair dismissal | United Kingdom | Failure to ensure compliance with the Bank’s policies in staff code of conduct matters | 25/06/2014 | Closed |
11/11/2013 | R | Plan de Saneamiento de Aragón | Spain | Breach of EU Directives | 19/11/2013 | Closed |
29/10/2013 | R | EIB Staff member behaviour | Germany | Inappropriate behaviour by EIB staff member. | 5/11/2013 | Closed |
28/10/2013 | H | Application process | Portugal | Failure to reply on enquiry about selection process advancement | 6/11/2013 | Closed |
24/10/2013 | E | Electricity Network Upgrading | Gaza / West bank | Health and environmental impacts arising from the construction of a 161kV substation | 23/12/2014 | Closed |
22/10/2013 | P | Seychelles Water and Sanitation | Seychelles | Alleged irregularities in a procurement process | 24/03/2015 | Closed |
22/10/2013 | P | Support to Non-Revenue Water Reduction in Bulgaria | Bulgaria | Irregularities in a procurement process | 18/06/2014 | Closed |
22/10/2013 | E | Railroad Gilje-Paracin | Serbia | Concerns regarding the expropriation of land | 23/12/2013 | Closed |
21/10/2013 | P | Corridor Vc section Svilaj-Odžak | Croatia | Unfair award of a tender process | 4/3/2014 | Closed |
14/10/2013 | INA | Ostseebad Göhren | Germany | Alleged social and environmental impact as a result of construction of hillside elevator | 16/10/2013 | Closed |
11/10/2013 | P | Hydro Power Plants Rehabilitation | Ukraine | Unfair handling of procurement procedure | 22/05/2014 | Closed |
9/10/2013 | E | Medio Ambiente Water Infrastructure | Spain | No proper consultation of the affected public | 29/11/2013 | Closed |
4/10/2013 | P | Call for the Expression of Interest nr. WB EDIF/ENIF/2013 | Croatia | unfair evaluation and inappropriate explanation on the reasons for not being shortlisted for the next stages of the selection of the Fund Manager. | 27/11/2013 | Admissibility |
27/09/2013 | P | Water Supply and Sanitation | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Unfair disqualification of bid. | 17/10/2013 | Admissibility |
24/09/2013 | A | Not updated request | United Kingdom | Lack/delays in sending booking document for complainant's accounting | 22/10/2013 | Closed |
19/09/2013 | P | Water and Sanitation RS | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Unfair and unjustified cancellation of procurement procedure | 12/12/2013 | Closed |
18/09/2013 | P | Emergency Flood Relief and Prevention | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Alleged irregularities in a procurement process | 11/12/2014 | Closed |
6/9/2013 | A | Conquerors Christian Foundation-Brupay Venture | Nigeria | No cooperation from FI for supporting a commercial transaction | 13/12/2013 | Closed |
4/9/2013 | E | Valencia Centros Escolares II - 2 | Spain | Alleged failure to monitor project implementation | 19/12/2014 | Closed |
3/9/2013 | E | Secondary and Local Roads Programme | Albania | Violation of expropriation law. | 3/9/2013 | Admissibility |
2/9/2013 | G | Solar Plants | Croatia | The Croatian regulatory framework is not conducive for the construction of solar plants | 28/10/2013 | Closed |
6/8/2013 | P | Electricity Transmission | Egypt | Inability to adjust the offer after winning the bid. | 27/12/2013 | Closed |
5/8/2013 | E | Valencia Centros Escolares II - 2 | Spain | Alleged failure to monitor project implementation | 19/12/2014 | Closed |
5/8/2013 | H | EIB Recruitment Webpage | Unknown | Lack of response to job applications | 6/8/2013 | Closed |
31/07/2013 | G | Application EIB Prize | Germany | Failure to consider application | 9/12/2013 | Closed |
30/07/2013 | H | Failure to Reply | Unknown | Alleged failure of the Bank to reply to the complainant's job applications | 9/10/2013 | Closed |
25/07/2013 | INA | Investigation Procedure in Case Ref Ares | Slovakia | N/A | 8/10/2013 | Closed |
23/07/2013 | P | Bursa Wastewater II | Turkey | Alleged irregularities in a procurement process | 24/03/2015 | Closed |
23/07/2013 | P | Sofia Municipal Waste Project | Bulgaria | Unfair handling of procurement procedure | 27/12/2013 | Closed |
17/07/2013 | E | Mauritius Waste Water | Mauritius | Non-respect of security norms. | 17/09/2013 | Closed |
16/07/2013 | E | Terminal Contenedores Cadiz | Spain | Environmental issues related to the new contaier port terminal. | 21/11/2013 | Closed |
16/07/2013 | E | Puerto Sevilla | Spain | Negative environmental impacts of the deep dredging of Guadalquivir river | 7/7/2014 | Closed |
24/06/2013 | F | Voiries Prioritaires V - Turki/Nabeul Highway | Tunisia | Unfair cancellation of construction contract | 27/12/2014 | Closed |
24/06/2013 | A | Mopani Copper Project | Zambia | Failure to publish/disclose investigation report | 25/07/2014 | Closed |
21/06/2013 | F | Roads Rehabilitation VI | Romania | Poor quality of works for the rehabilitation of DN14 Sighisoara - Medias - Sibiu | 23/12/2013 | Closed |
18/06/2013 | G | Erronous phone number | Luxembourg | Telephone harassment | 26/06/2013 | Closed |
11/6/2013 | H | Recruitment Process | Bulgaria | Explanation refusal for not shortlisting for vacancy | 25/06/2013 | Closed |
7/6/2013 | G | Renewable Energy Lebanon | Lebanon | Failure to reply | 18/06/2013 | Closed |
27/05/2013 | P | Hanoi Metro Line CP1 | Vietnam | Unfair evaluation of bids | 27/06/2013 | Closed |
21/05/2013 | F | Poor level of response | United Kingdom | Poor level of response | 24/05/2013 | Closed |
17/05/2013 | P | Corridor X (E-80) Motorway Phase I | Serbia | Alleged breach of EIB standards in the field of procurement (national law and EIB GtP) | 19/12/2014 | Closed |
17/05/2013 | F | Feasibility Study & Designs | Georgia | Breach of EU 2012 PRAG; alleged market distortion | 15/05/2015 | Investigation |
17/05/2013 | P | Hanoi Metro Line CP2 | Vietnam | Unfair evaluation of bids | 21/06/2013 | Closed |
10/5/2013 | P | Roads Rehabilitation II | Croatia | Unclear grounds for not accepting tender. | 9/12/2013 | Closed |
10/5/2013 | P | Croatian Roads Rehabilitation II | Croatia | Alleged unclear grounds for not accepting tender | 9/12/2013 | Closed |
30/04/2013 | F | Sulina Canal Bank Protection | Romania | Alleged failure of the promoter to respect and implement an international arbitrage decision | 31/03/2015 | Closed |
22/04/2013 | H | EIB Website | Unknown | Technical problems with the EIB online recruitment application | 6/5/2013 | Closed |
4/4/2013 | P | Railways Rehabilitation II | Serbia | Allegedly unfair tender specifications | 4/4/2013 | Admissibility |
4/4/2013 | P | South Lebanon Waste Water | Lebanon | Too restrictive tender parameters | 15/04/2013 | Closed |
22/03/2013 | E | Highway Interchange Petlovo Brdo | Serbia | Allegedly negative environmental impact of the project | 21/11/2013 | Closed |
6/3/2013 | E | Mariscina County Waste Management | Croatia | Negative environmental impacts | Consultation | |
19/02/2013 | P | Water and Sanitation RS | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Unfair evaluation of tender. | 5/3/2013 | Admissibility |
13/02/2013 | P | Corridor X (E-80) Motorway Phase I | Serbia | Delays in evaluation of bids and award of the contract | 4/3/2013 | Closed |
14/01/2013 | P | Railways Rehabilitation II | Allegedly unfair tender specifications | 19/12/2013 | Closed | |
13/01/2013 | P | Sorek Desalination Project | Israel | Discrimination and non-transparent procedures | 28/02/2013 | Closed |
9/1/2013 | INA | Olkaria I & IV | Kenya | Iranian company in funded projects in Kenya | 21/01/2013 | Closed |
14/12/2012 | E | Transit Roads V Lot 17 | Bulgaria | Poor quality of works in project implementation, excessive delay. | 18/06/2014 | Closed |
7/12/2012 | E | N11-N7 Motorway PPP | Ireland | Too low traffic flows and low project returns to justify the project. | 19/12/2013 | Closed |
4/12/2012 | P | Corridor V c Section Vlakovo-Lepenica - Second phase | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Unfair tender evaluation | 19/12/2013 | Closed |
29/11/2012 | P | BIH Railways II | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Unfair handling of procurement procedure | 21/12/2012 | Closed |
27/11/2012 | F | Access Bank | Azerbaijan | Threats and and request to resign by management to an employee in Access Bank. | 2/1/2013 | Closed |
27/11/2012 | P | Technopoles | Tunisia | Unfair request of EIB to local companies to quote FOB and CFR prices for scientific equipment | 22/05/2013 | Closed |
30/10/2012 | P | Motorway on Corridor 5C - Second Hhase | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Unfair tender evaluation | 28/11/2012 | Closed |
29/10/2012 | P | Croatian Roads Rehabilitation II | Croatia | Unfair tender evaluation | 26/02/2014 | Closed |
19/10/2012 | E | ICL Specialty Chemicals R&D (RSFF) | Spain | Negative environmental impacts of the subsidiary in Spain | 6/9/2013 | Closed |
11/10/2012 | P | Corridor Vc-Second Phase | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Unfair disqualification from procurement procedure | 26/10/2012 | Closed |
10/10/2012 | P | JER 005/2-02 | Slovakia | Unfair selection process | 23/12/2013 | Closed |
7/10/2012 | H | Taxation Consultant | Unknown | Alleged EIB's failure to provide an external consultant with requested taxation information in relation to his contract | 24/01/2013 | Closed |
7/9/2012 | P | Corridor Vc and Corridor Vc first phase-North | Croatia | Irregularities of the procurement procedure | 2/5/2013 | Closed |
23/08/2012 | F | European Progress Microfinance Facility | Cyprus | Alleged unfair refusal of loan application under EIF agreement with the Central Bank in Cyprus | 15/11/2012 | Closed |
22/08/2012 | F | Igape Loan SMEs & Galicia Automotive | Spain | Intermediary's failure to provide explanation on the rejection of a loan | 21/02/2013 | Closed |
14/08/2012 | P | Municipal Water | Serbia | Disagreement with a tender evaluation report for which the Bank has issued an objection. | 27/08/2012 | Closed |
2/8/2012 | P | ONAS IV | Tunisia | Unjustified retention of bid securities and non-transparent opening of the financial bids | 7/2/2013 | Closed |
1/8/2012 | F | Banque de Depot et de Crédit | Djibouti | Concerns regarding bank activity of BDCD in Djibouti | 25/10/2012 | Closed |
20/07/2012 | P | JER 005/2-03 Jeremie | Slovakia | Rejection of application to the Call for Expression of Interest | 17/05/2013 | Closed |
12/7/2012 | E | DTS Expressway | Poland | Failure to comply with environmental law | 4/3/2014 | Closed |
6/7/2012 | E | Rivne-Kyiv High Voltage Line | Ukraine | Failure to comply with EIB's project cycle; failure to provide reliable and updated access to environmental information | 14/01/2013 | Closed |
29/06/2012 | P | Railways Rehabilitation II | Serbia | Alleged irregularities in the evaluation of the bids | 27/09/2012 | Closed |
28/06/2012 | P | ONEE - Projet Eolien | Morocco | Belated publication of a procurement notice | 3/5/2013 | Closed |
26/05/2012 | E | Larnaca Sewerage and Drainage I | Cyprus | Construction of a sewerage pumping station close to the complainant’s house. | 25/02/2014 | Closed |
21/05/2012 | F | Clinical Centers Rehabilitation Project | Serbia | The use of loans provided by the European Investment Bank to rehabilitate the Serbian health service | 22/02/2013 | Closed |
19/05/2012 | P | Sorek Desalination Plant | Israel | Non-satisfaction with the EIB-CM Conclusions 04 /05/2012; new information. | 27/09/2012 | Closed |
9/5/2012 | E | Ambatovy Nickel Project | Disappearance of bees; environmental and social impacts of the plant not properly mitigated | Consultation | ||
9/5/2012 | E | Poland Motorways | Poland | Failure to comply with the environmental law | 5/9/2013 | Closed |
3/5/2012 | A | Thermal Power Plant Sostanj | Slovenia | Failure to reply to a request for a disclosure of board documents. | 22/05/2012 | Closed |
2/5/2012 | R | Menengai Phase I Geothermal | Kenya | Violation of fundamental human rights | 16/05/2012 | Closed |
2/5/2012 | E | Eastern Poland Roads Ten-T | Poland | Failure to mitigate project impacts regarding noise pollution | 18/01/2013 | Closed |
27/04/2012 | R | Zadar New Port | Croatia | Irregularities in the prequalification for the contract tender | 15/05/2012 | Closed |
13/04/2012 | P | Mombasa-Nairobi Transmission Line | Kenya | Unfair tender evaluation | 7/6/2012 | Closed |
13/04/2012 | E | Valencia Centros Escolares II-1 and II-2 | Spain | Educational facilities have become substandard and inadequate since the construction of the School in 1980 | 11/2/2013 | Closed |
13/04/2012 | P | Valencia Centros Escolares II - 1 and II-2 | Spain | Educational facilities have become substandard and inadequate since the construction of the School in 1980 | 2/11/2013 | Closed |
4/4/2012 | F | Autoroute Sfax-Gabes | Tunisia | Cost overruns due to delays, omissions and administrative activities of the Tunisian authorities | 24/04/2012 | Admissibility |
4/4/2012 | H | Privacy Breach | Unknown | Alleged breach of recruitment information system | 28/06/2012 | Closed |
15/03/2012 | P | Irmak-Zonguldak Railway Rehabilitation Project | Turkey | Discrimination and other malpractices in the tendering procedure | 3/12/2015 | Closed |
14/03/2012 | E | Waste Disposal Plant | Croatia | Negative environmental impacts and illegal project site. | 28/06/2013 | Closed |
1/3/2012 | E | Municipal and Regional Infrastructure Loan | Serbia | Failure to comply with the EIB social standards. | 15/05/2014 | Closed |
13/02/2012 | P | Larnaca Sewerage and Drainage I (2006-0155) | Cyprus | Unfair outcome of the procurement procedure | 2/1/2013 | Closed |
13/02/2012 | E | Autoroute Sfax-Gabes | Tunisia | Violation of the legal expropriation procedure | 25/11/2013 | Closed |
8/2/2012 | C | EIB Bonds | Germany | Alleged failure to pay the correct interest of the EIB bond | 21/03/2012 | Closed |
9/1/2012 | F | TES-Thermal Power Plant Sostanj | Slovenia | Mismanagement of the project; alleged failure to comply with national law concerning the profitability of the project | Follow Up | |
9/1/2012 | P | TES-Thermal Power Plant Sostanj | Slovenia | Alleged breach of EU acquis in the field of procurement | 12/12/2013 | Closed |
6/1/2012 | R | Iberdrola Bank | Spain | Money unlawfully taken out of Santander account by Iberdrola bank, Spain | 1/2/2012 | Closed |
5/1/2012 | E | Cairo Metro Line 3 (Phase 3) | Egypt | The promoter ignores the complainants' request to review the location of the Zamalek station; complaints about disturbances and impact of vibrations during construction | 9/3/2014 | Closed |
3/1/2012 | E | Terminal Contenedores Cadiz | Spain | Concerns regarding Environmental and social impacts of the New Container Terminal project, in particular the selection of alternatives. | 12/1/2012 | Closed |
22/12/2011 | P | Istanbul-Ankara Railway Tranche B | Turkey | Irregularities in the procurement procedure | 15/03/2012 | Closed |
12/12/2011 | E | STEG - Sousse Power Plant | Tunisia | Inadequate expropriation | 12/7/2012 | Closed |
11/12/2011 | A | Request financing Finland | Finland | Failure to reply | 16/12/2011 | Closed |
15/11/2011 | P | Corridor X Project (E-80) Motorway Phase I | Serbia | Unfair handling of procurement procedure | 9/12/2013 | Closed |
11/11/2011 | P | JER-002/2 | Ireland | Unfair selection process | 23/04/2013 | Closed |
8/11/2011 | E | Porto De Aveiro | Portugal | Improper design for the extension of the Northern breakwater of the Porto de Aveiro with important environmental impacts. | 12/10/2012 | Closed |
4/11/2011 | E | Infrastructuras de la Nueva Dársena de Cartagena | Spain | Concerns about the startegic environmental impact evaluation studies | 17/11/2011 | Closed |
20/10/2011 | E | NFC Forestry Project | Uganda | Forced eviction, compensation and/or resettlement issues in a New Forest Company project. | 20/11/2014 | Closed |
18/10/2011 | R | LGV Maroc Kenitra-Tanger | Morocco | Unlawful/unfair expropriation | 3/11/2011 | Closed |
3/10/2011 | G | Rehabilitation Romanian National Roads | Romania | Poor quality of the works performed for rehabilitation of Romanian national roads | 20/10/2011 | Closed |
30/09/2011 | E | Roads Rehabilitation VI | Romania | Overflooding rainwarer following road rehabilitation and failure to comply with environmental protection law. | 25/01/2013 | Closed |
26/09/2011 | P | Unpaid invoice | United States | Unpaid invoice | 26/10/2011 | Closed |
23/09/2011 | E | Belgrade By-Pass | Serbia | The expropriation process at Batajnica Loop highway bypass construction project in Belgrade, Serbia - compliance of the Project with national law and EIB social standards. | 9/3/2015 | Closed |
23/09/2011 | P | Malawi Peri-Urban Water and Sanitation | Malawi | Alleged excessive and discriminatory standards for the tendered goods | 1/2/2012 | Closed |
22/09/2011 | C | EIB Bonds | Germany, Spain | Alleged failure to provide adequate information on EIB bonds | 29/03/2012 | Closed |
5/9/2011 | G | GEEREF - Barefoot Power | Uganda | Unfair competition | 13/12/2012 | Closed |
12/7/2011 | P | Assainissement du site Taparura | Tunisia | Unfair tender procedure | 30/08/2011 | Closed |
7/7/2011 | G | Rabobank Loan for SME III | Netherlands | Rabobank Loan for SME III | 16/09/2011 | Closed |
27/06/2011 | R | Banks | Italy | Unspecified | 7/7/2011 | Closed |
31/05/2011 | P | Road Rehabilitation Federation BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Irregularities in the procurement procedure | 11/5/2012 | Closed |
28/05/2011 | P | Sorek Desalination Plant | Israel | Discrimination and non-transparent procedures | 8/5/2012 | Closed |
27/05/2011 | E | Eurasia Tunnel | Turkey | Concerns about the financial viability and the negative environmental impact of the project. | 12/9/2012 | Closed |
27/05/2011 | P | Réseau Ferroviaire rapide | Tunisia | Unfair handling of procurement procedure Lot Genie Civil | 4/9/2013 | Closed |
26/05/2011 | P | Niksic Wastewater Treatment Plant | Montenegro | Challenging the contract award decision for the design and construction of the wastewater treatment plan | 30/05/2011 | Closed |
18/05/2011 | E | KTK Motorway PPP | Greece | Breach of EU and national law in the field of Environment; negative social impact of the project | 27/12/2013 | Closed |
4/5/2011 | E | Corridor 10 Highway E-75 | Serbia | Suspected breach of national law and EIB policies regarding public consultation and selection of alternatives | 25/07/2012 | Closed |
2/5/2011 | E | Portuguese Dam Program | Portugal | Concerns about the financial and technical viability of the project, negative environmental impact of the project, breach of the EIB social standards | 13/07/2011 | Closed |
29/04/2011 | E | Bucharest Metro Line 5 | Romania | Unfair expropriation for site organization. | 29/03/2012 | Closed |
28/04/2011 | R | Residence permit | Luxembourg | Refusal of a residence permit by the Luxembourg authorities | 12/5/2011 | Closed |
26/04/2011 | P | Turkey Education Framework | Turkey | Irregularities in the procurement procedure of the tender | 28/11/2011 | Closed |
26/04/2011 | P | Yönsis | Turkey | irregularities in the procurement procedure | 26/11/2011 | Closed |
25/04/2011 | C | ISK Bonds | United States | Lack of payment of interest and principal of a matured bond issued by EIB | 23/09/2011 | Closed |
14/04/2011 | H | Child Allowance | Unknown | Alleged error in the paid family allowance of an EIB staff | 22/06/2011 | Closed |
14/04/2011 | G | Energie Holding | Czech Republic | Potential incompatibility of State aid | 27/07/2011 | Closed |
12/4/2011 | P | Public Sector Research and Development | Serbia | Unfair disqualification from tendering procedure | 21/12/2012 | Closed |
4/4/2011 | H | EIB internship vacancy | Unknown | Alleged failure to provide reasons for the rejection of an internship application | 11/4/2011 | Closed |
29/03/2011 | A | South Poland CHP, Bielsko-Biala | Poland | Refusal to release environmental information | 20/09/2011 | Closed |
28/03/2011 | E | Panama Canal Expansion | Panama | Negative environmental impact of the project – alleged non-technical viability of the project | 5/11/2012 | Investigation |
4/3/2011 | E | Subconcessao Do Pinhal Interior | Portugal | Failure to comply with the EU environmental law | 8/6/2012 | Investigation |
4/3/2011 | R | Ontario Awards | Canada | Refusal to be awarded the "Order of Ontario" | 31/03/2011 | Closed |
28/02/2011 | E | TEŠ-Thermal Power Plant Sostanj | Slovenia | Alleged non-compliance of the project with EIB environmental standards and procedures | Investigation | |
16/02/2011 | R | anti american sentiment in the Italian banking system | United States | Refusal of being granted credit | 2/3/2011 | Closed |
15/02/2011 | P | Railways Rehab Project on Corridor IV | Romania | Clarification regarding the language used in the tender procedure; corcerns over the duration of the tender period | 15/04/2011 | Closed |
7/2/2011 | E | Warsaw Ring Road | Poland | Breach of EC lawand EIB Environmental policies. | 14/11/2011 | Closed |
3/2/2011 | P | Moldova European Roads | Moldova, Republic of | Disqualification based on unfair evaluation of bid securities | 3/7/2013 | Closed |
20/01/2011 | H | Progress of a job selection | Unknown | Alleged unfair evaluation of the candidature | 2/2/2011 | Closed |
14/01/2011 | R | BNP Paribas Fortis | Belgium | Refusal of BNP Paribas Fortis to be connected to PC Banking | 28/01/2011 | Closed |
3/1/2011 | R | Computerisation Land Record | India | Difficulty in viewing of own registration of Computerised Land Record | 14/02/2011 | Closed |
20/12/2010 | H | Rejected job applications | Unknown | Alleged unfair evaluation of the candidature | 14/01/2011 | Closed |
14/12/2010 | E | DISI - AMMAN WATER CONVEYOR | Jordan | Unspecified | 22/12/2010 | Closed |
1/12/2010 | G | Africap Investment Fund | Mozambique | Mismanagement of the fund and of participated banks. | ||
18/11/2010 | R | Problems with Psychiatrists, Oradea | Romania | Problem with psychiatrists in Romania | 3/1/2011 | Closed |
18/11/2010 | R | Ivory Coast and Mr. Camara Moussa | Switzerland | Concerns regarding the political situation in Ivory Coast and discrimination by Swiss banks. | 17/01/2010 | Closed |
17/11/2010 | R | Administrative Proceedings against Tunisian banks | Tunisia | Informing about administrative proceedings against Tunisian banks | 1/12/2010 | Closed |
16/11/2010 | R | Raiffeisenbank | Bulgaria | Dispute concerning interest rates with Raiffeisenbank, on EIF intermediated funds. | 16/12/2010 | Closed |
5/11/2010 | P | EMS Electricity Network Upgrading | Serbia | Inappropriate evaluation criteria of the tender | 19/11/2010 | Closed |
5/11/2010 | P | Voiries Prioritaires V | Tunisia | Alledgedly unfair disqualification from the tender procedure | 9/8/2011 | Closed |
4/11/2010 | A | Eirgrid East-West Interconnector TEN-E | Ireland | Unfair refusal to provide access to information related to the project | 15/06/2011 | Closed |
26/10/2010 | E | MOZAL II | Mozambique | Breach of EIB environmental policies | 4/5/2012 | Closed |
21/10/2010 | R | Extortion by banks | Italy | Extortion by banks | 8/11/2010 | Closed |
19/10/2010 | E | Torún Bridge | Poland | Breach of EU environmental legislation | 29/07/2011 | Closed |
18/10/2010 | A | JEREMIE | Romania | Unfair rejection Expression of Interest for JER-002/2 financial instrument; lack of transparency in the contested selection process. | 17/08/2011 | Closed |
28/09/2010 | E | Brenner Base Tunnel | Austria | Request for comprehensive EIA | 29/12/2010 | Closed |
24/09/2010 | P | Electric Power Reconstruction II | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Allegedly unfair exclusion from the tender procedure | 15/07/2011 | Closed |
24/09/2010 | H | Rejection of job application | Unknown | Alleged non-disclosure of the reasons of disqualified job application | 22/12/2010 | Closed |
24/09/2010 | E | Asturias Waste Management | Spain | The project would not respect the acquis communautair on waste management. | 11/3/2011 | Closed |
21/09/2010 | P | Barcelona Turisme | Spain | Alleged unpaid invoice by the EIB | 8/11/2010 | Closed |
16/09/2010 | E | Scottish & Southern Renewables | United Kingdom | The project would be non-compliant with the EU Birds and Habitat Directives | 30/09/2010 | Admissibility |
15/09/2010 | C | EIB Bond | Germany | Alleged failure to pay the correct interest of the EIB bond | 9/12/2010 | Closed |
11/9/2010 | H | Rejection of Requests | Bulgaria | Alleged discrimination in the recruitment process | 24/11/2010 | Closed |
8/9/2010 | G | Arcelor Mittal Steel product and processing R&D Facility Project | Unknown | Inadequate EIB assessment of of alternative sources of funding project - breach of statutory provisions. | 19/11/2011 | Closed |
5/9/2010 | R | Slovak-Czeck Crimes and Misdemeanours | Czech Republic | Concerning dmages paid for alleged crimes. | 17/09/2010 | Closed |
19/08/2010 | G | API Capital | Zambia | Irregularities at EIB partner bank in Zambia. | 6/10/2010 | Closed |
10/8/2010 | P | Road Rehabilitation Federation BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Unfair handling of procurement procedure by the promoter | 12/6/2013 | Closed |
3/8/2010 | R | verification of the identify of "EUIP BANK PLC" | France | Verification of the identify of a person seeming to represent "EUIP BANK PLC" for reception of an inheritance | 18/08/2010 | Closed |
29/07/2010 | E | Noise pollution caused by the new EIB/EIF Building | Luxembourg | Noise pollution from air transformer pumps on EIB/EIF building | 27/10/2010 | Closed |
27/07/2010 | P | Sava Bridge | Serbia | Irregularities during prequalification process | 16/09/2010 | Closed |
23/07/2010 | R | Animal carcasses | Finland | Unspecified re. animal carcasses | 6/8/2010 | Closed |
22/07/2010 | P | Bucharest School Infrastructure Rehabilitation | Alleged unjustified cancelling of the tender | 18/05/2011 | Closed | |
22/07/2010 | P | Roxana Cosma Medica M3 | Romania | Unjustified cancelling of the Tender | 16/05/2011 | Closed |
14/07/2010 | E | Noise pollution caused by the new EIB/EIF Building | Luxembourg | Noise pollution from machinery on EIB/EIF building. | 27/10/2010 | Closed |
14/07/2010 | E | Ecocimento Fibre Cement | Mozambique | Purchase of asbestos contaminated property due to non-compliance of project promoter with objectives of an earlier EIB loan. | 28/07/2010 | Admissibility |
10/7/2010 | E | Motorway A-2, Confirmatory | Poland | Inappropriate and insufficient expropriation procedures | 30/09/2010 | Closed |
8/7/2010 | P | Solid waste treatment Plant | Bulgaria | Unfair disqualification from procurement procedure. | 11/12/2012 | Closed |
6/7/2010 | E | Gipuzkoa Waste Management | Spain | Alleged negative impact of the Gipuzkoa Waste Management | 12/3/2014 | Closed |
30/06/2010 | R | Stavrosos Albanis | Greece | Management of structural funds | 14/07/2010 | Closed |
23/06/2010 | P | Roads and Bridges Rehabilitation | Serbia | Alleged unlawful qualification procedure | 10/5/2011 | Closed |
18/06/2010 | C | EIB Bonds | Spain | Alleged failure to provide adequate information on EIB bonds | 10/8/2011 | Closed |
17/06/2010 | P | Confirmatory Belgrad Trams | Serbia | Lack of clarity of the Conclusions Report of the EIB-CM; irregularities of the procurement procedure | 30/01/2011 | Closed |
8/6/2010 | A | Gilgel Gibe 3 - CRBM | Ethiopia | Lack of transparency in the appraisal procedure | 22/06/2010 | Admissibility |
20/05/2010 | R | website service | Unknown | Criticises EIB's own achievements as on EIB's website. | 7/6/2010 | Closed |
1/4/2010 | P | Rehabilitation of the main traffic nodes - Sofia | Bulgaria | Incompatibility of State aid granted to the Litoměřice Geothermal Power Plant Project | ||
9/3/2010 | E | BTA Toll Road | Dominican Republic | Violations of local law and EIB rules on land expropriation. | 7/4/2011 | Closed |
3/3/2010 | G | Arcelor Mittal Steel product and processing R&D Facility Project | Unknown | Inadequate EIB assessment of of alternative sources of funding for the project breach of statutory provisions | 12/10/2010 | Closed |
1/3/2010 | E | Belgrade Urban Renewal | Serbia | Non-compliance with EIB environmental policies. | 7/10/2010 | Closed |
28/02/2010 | E | Belgrade Urban Renewal - Vladimir Miljkovic | Serbia | Non-compliance with EIB environmental policies. | 17/10/2010 | Closed |
22/02/2010 | E | M11 Gorey to Enniscorthy Road | Ireland | Inaccurate traffic data forecasts for project justification.for the preparation of the project’s Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) | 7/5/2010 | Closed |
21/02/2010 | R | Central Heating | Bulgaria | Unspecified allegations | 8/3/2010 | Closed |
17/02/2010 | R | Westinghouse | Australia | Faulty StoveTop | 3/3/2010 | Closed |
13/02/2010 | H | Diversity Policy | United Kingdom | Allegely unfair language requirement for an advertised internship | 29/04/2010 | Closed |
8/2/2010 | R | Accident | Greece | Unlawful behaviour by Greek police after accident. | 22/02/2010 | Closed |
8/2/2010 | A | Spyridon Grammenos | Greece | Failure to reply to a request for information on financing possibilities | 22/02/2010 | Closed |
4/2/2010 | P | Regional Railway Project | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Irregularities in the Procurement Procedures. | 2/9/2010 | Closed |
4/2/2010 | R | Banks | Romania | Refusal to have start up finance. | 18/02/2010 | Closed |
3/2/2010 | P | High Speed Train | Turkey | Unfair handling of procurement procedure | 8/4/2010 | Closed |
18/01/2010 | R | Clergy abuse | Ireland | No basis for paying compensation to clergy abuse victims. | 26/01/2010 | Closed |
15/01/2010 | E | DTS Expressway II | Poland | Breach of EU environmental legislation | 25/08/2010 | Closed |
5/1/2010 | P | Belgrad Urban Renewal | Serbia | Non-compliance of the tender procedure with tender documentation. | 22/09/2010 | Closed |
5/1/2010 | C | EIB Bonds | Spain | Alleged failure to provide adequate information on EIB bonds | 17/06/2011 | Closed |
11/12/2009 | E | Barro Blanco Hydroelectric | Panama | Non-Compliance with the additionality principle of the Clean Development Mechanism, lack of adequate consultation and assent of indigenous communities, allegedly negative environmental and social impact of the project, allegations concerning the National Authority of Environment of the Republic of Panama. | 2/8/2010 | Closed |
3/12/2009 | E | Motorway A-2 | Poland | Breach of EC and Polish environmental legislation | 17/06/2010 | Closed |
2/12/2009 | E | Bujagali Hydroelectric | Uganda | Failure to meet European development objectives, to assess the economic and environmental soundness of the project, to guarantee fair compensation to affected communities and to ensure the implementation of the mitigation measures | 5/9/2012 | Closed |
26/11/2009 | E | Zadar Port | Croatia | Unfair expropriation of land | 10/6/2010 | Closed |
9/11/2009 | P | Belgrad Trams | Serbia | Unfair handling of procurement procedure. | 21/05/2010 | Closed |
5/11/2009 | P | Autoroute Sfax-Gabes | Tunisia | Non-compliance with the Procurement Procedures | 15/03/2010 | Closed |
5/11/2009 | P | Autoroute Sfax-Gabes | Tunisia | Non-compliance with the Procurement Procedures | 18/05/2010 | Closed |
4/11/2009 | P | Zadar | Croatia | Unfair prequalification. | 22/01/2010 | Closed |
4/11/2009 | R | Gas Duct TAP Project | Italy | Irregularities in the project's implementation | 18/11/2009 | Closed |
25/10/2009 | R | USA Loan | United States | Transfer of a loan to a US account. | 6/11/2009 | Closed |
20/10/2009 | A | Slovak Motorways (PPP) D1 Phase 1 | Slovakia | Allegedly unfair refusal to provide access to documents pertaining to the Slovak Motorways D1 Phase 1 Project | 8/1/2010 | Closed |
14/10/2009 | R | Verizon | Unknown | Failure to provide access to DSL service. | 27/10/2009 | Closed |
11/10/2009 | R | Yahoo! | United Kingdom | Fraud with regard to e-mail account. | 22/10/2009 | Closed |
1/10/2009 | R | Harassment | Germany | Harassment | 13/10/2009 | Closed |
28/09/2009 | E | Gazela Bridge Rehabilitation | Serbia | Non-compliance with EIB transparency and social standards in the Gazella Bridge rehabilitation project. | 16/07/2010 | Closed |
16/09/2009 | R | Anonymus | Luxembourg | Protest against the outmoe of a recruitment process for medical service at the EIB | 25/10/2009 | Closed |
15/09/2009 | P | Multi-Sector Framework Contracts | Germany | Unfair exclusion from the tender procedure | 24/03/2010 | Closed |
4/9/2009 | R | Nissan | Australia | Unavailability of replacement Keyless remote system. | 18/09/2009 | Closed |
31/08/2009 | R | Petronor | Spain | Negative environmental impact of the project | 31/08/2009 | Closed |
31/08/2009 | E | Petronor | Spain | EIB's financing to a Borrower which had allegedly breached EU and domestic environmental law prior to the contested project. | 9/11/2009 | Closed |
24/08/2009 | P | EIS SMELoans | Ireland | Concerns over the administration of EIB SME funds in Ireland | 16/09/2009 | Closed |
5/8/2009 | P | Radiotherapy Project | Tunisia | Unfair handling of procurement procedure. | 13/10/2009 | Closed |
4/8/2009 | P | Turkish Education Framework Project B | Turkey | Unfair bid evaluation | 23/02/2010 | Closed |
3/8/2009 | P | Motorway Corridor Vc II | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Unfair rejection of the bid. | 12/10/2009 | Closed |
31/07/2009 | P | Libanconsulting | Lebanon | Irregularities in the handling of procurement procedure. | 12/8/2009 | Closed |
20/07/2009 | P | AES SONEL | Cameroon | Non compliance with Procurement procedures | 11/11/2009 | Closed |
1/7/2009 | G | Combined Cycle Power Plant Vlore | Albania | Unfair evaluation of bids – non-compliance with applicable regulatory framework. | 9/9/2009 | Closed |
24/06/2009 | P | Motorway Corridor 5c | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Unfair exclusion from Pre-Qualification phase | 25/01/2010 | Closed |
17/06/2009 | P | Transit Roads V Lot No 22A | Bulgaria | Irregularities in procurement procedure | 1/2/2010 | Closed |
8/6/2009 | P | Enfidha Hergla | Tunisia | Breach of EU and national law as well as EIB standards concerning the environmental impact assessment of the Project. | 1/9/2009 | Closed |
4/6/2009 | G | PT Portugal | Portugal | Non eligible finance for project in the Portuguese IT network sector. | 6/9/2009 | Closed |
19/05/2009 | E | Nuweiba Power Plant Project | Egypt | Negative environmental and social impact of the project | 26/04/2010 | Closed |
19/05/2009 | E | South Sinai Power Plant | Egypt | Negative environmental and social impacts | 27/04/2010 | Closed |
15/05/2009 | P | Road Rehab VI II - 6R6 | Romania | Irregularities in the handling of the procurement procedure. | 12/3/2010 | Closed |
12/5/2009 | E | MoSE Venice | Italy | Breach of EU acquis in the fields of public procurement and environment an irregularities in the management of the project. | 19/03/2010 | Closed |
11/5/2009 | R | FEDER Roubaix | France | Inappropriate project implementation. | 16/06/2009 | Closed |
7/5/2009 | P | Montenegro Perucica Spare Runner Project | Montenegro | Unfair evaluation of bids - non-compliance with applicable regulatory framework. | 11/5/2009 | Closed |
6/5/2009 | R | Road Rehab VI | Romania | Irregularities concerning the tendering procedure for the award of LOT B of the Road Rehabilitation VI Project. | 15/05/2009 | Closed |
5/5/2009 | E | Slovak Motorways (PPP) D1 Phase I | Slovakia | Alleged breaches of EU and national law concerning the environmental impact assessment of Turany-Hubova section of the project Slovak Motorways (PPP) D1 Phase I; alleged breaches of the EIB’s Statement of Environmental and Social Principles and Standards in the appraisal of the contested project | 17/11/2009 | Closed |
27/03/2009 | R | Forte Sao Jose | Portugal | Support and legitimacy of Portugal's possessions. | 27/03/2009 | Closed |
25/03/2009 | A | Tajikistan Framework Agreement | Tajikistan | Failure to disclose Framework Agreement | 4/5/2009 | Closed |
19/03/2009 | E | Gazela Bridge | Serbia | Negative social impact of the project. | 4/6/2009 | Closed |
4/3/2009 | E | Gilgel Gibe III Dam | Ethiopia | Negative environmental and social impact | 30/07/2009 | Closed |
25/02/2009 | R | Insurance company | Brazil | Embezzlement | 19/03/2009 | Closed |
24/02/2009 | A | Bujagali-hydroelectric | Uganda | Failure to provide access to the documents related to the project. | 29/05/2009 | Closed |
11/2/2009 | P | Chemins de Fer de Roumanie CNCF | Romania | Unfair evaluation of bids | 28/04/2009 | Closed |
30/01/2009 | A | Jaspers, request for disclosure of documents | Poland | Failure to reply | 12/3/2009 | Closed |
21/01/2009 | C | ISK bond | Germany | Failure to credit the complainant’s bank account with the principal and interest amounts in respect of ISK bond | 24/03/2009 | Closed |
2/12/2008 | P | Eskisehir Water Supply | Turkey | Unfair rejection of a Letter of Credit from the utility in the tender procedure | 6/3/2009 | Closed |
2/12/2008 | P | Roads Rehab VI I - 6R2 | Romania | Irregularities in the handling of the tendering procedure for Lot A – Contract 6R2, Denial of justice | 28/06/2009 | Closed |
7/11/2008 | E | Transport Lending Policy | Unknown | Failure to consult the public on EIB Transport Lending Policy | 15/04/2009 | Closed |
14/08/2008 | E | Sonae Novobord | South Africa | Concern about poor and insufficient environmental and social impact assessment. | 10/11/2008 | Closed |
14/05/2008 | C | EIB Bonds | Italy | Alleged poor performance of an investment in EIB bonds, lack of information in Italian on the EIB website | 23/12/2008 | Closed |