World Bank
The World Bank Operational Manual (OM)
The World Bank Operational Manual contains the operational policies (OPs), Policies, bank procedures (BPs), Directives, and interim instructions to staff (OpMemos) on the conduct of Bank operations.
Operational Manual (OM)
Operational Policy Waivers | |
World Bank Group Directive - Country Engagement | |
OP 1.00 | Poverty Reduction |
OP 2.30 | Development Cooperation and Conflict |
OP 3.10 | Financial Terms and Conditions of IBRD Loans, IBRD Hedging Products, and IDA Credits |
Annex A - Past Loans of IBRD | |
Annex B - Prepayment of IBRD Loans | |
Annex C - Countries Ranked by Per Capita Income | |
Annex D - IBRD/IDA and Blend Countries: Per Capita Incomes, Lending Eligibility, and Repayment Terms OP 4.00 - Piloting the Use of Borrower Systems to Address Environmental and Social Safeguard Issues in Bank-Supported Projects | |
Table A1 - Environmental and Social Safeguard Policies—Policy Objectives and Operational Principles | |
OP 4.01 | Environmental Assessment |
Annex A - Definitions | |
Annex B - Content of an Environmental Assessment Report for a Category A Project | |
Annex C - Environmental Management Plan | |
BP 4.01 | Environmental Assessment |
Annex A - Application of EA to Dam and Reservoir Projects, 1999 | |
Annex B - Application of EA to Projects Involving Pest Management: Environmental Assessment | |
OP 4.02 | Environmental Action Plans |
OP 4.03 | Performance Standards for Private Sector Activities |
BP 4.03 | Performance Standards for Private Sector Activities |
OP 4.04 | Natural Habitats |
Annex A - Definitions | |
BP 4.04 | Natural Habitats |
OP 4.07 | Water Resources Management |
OP 4.09 | Pest Management |
OP 4.10 | Indigenous Peoples |
Annex A - Social Assessment | |
Annex B - Indigenous Peoples Plan | |
Annex C - Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework | |
OP 4.11 | Physical Cultural Resources |
OP 4.12 | Involuntary Resettlement |
Annex A - Involuntary Resettlement Instruments | |
OP 4.20 | Gender and Development |
OP 4.36 | Forests |
Annex A - Definitions | |
OP 4.37 | Safety of Dams |
OP 4.76 | Tobacco |
OP 7.00 | Lending Operations: Choice of Borrower and Contractual Agreements |
OP 7.20 | Security Arrangements |
OP 7.30 | Dealings with De Facto Governments |
OP 7.40 | Disputes over Defaults on External Debt, Expropriation, and Breach of Contract |
OP 7.50 | Projects on International Waterways |
OP 7.60 | Projects in Disputed Areas |
OP 8.00 | Rapid Response to Crises and Emergencies |
OP 8.40 | Technical Assistance |
OP 8.45 | Grants |
Annex A - DGF Eligibility Criteria | |
OP 8.60 | Development Policy Lending |
OP 9.00 | Program-for-Results Financing |
OP 10.00 | Investment Project Financing |
OP 10.20 | Global Environment Facility Operations |
OP 10.21 | Investment Operations Financed by the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol |
Annex A - The Montreal Protocol | |
Annex B - Eligible Activities | |
OP 11.00 | Procurement |
OP 13.60 | Monitoring and Evaluation |
OP 14.10 | External Debt Reporting and Financial Statements |
OP 14.20 | Cofinancing |
Annex A - Sources and Types of Cofinancing | |
OP 14.40 | Trust Funds |
Social Policy
Social and environmental policy at the World Bank is comprised of stand-alone operational policy instruments listed under the OM. Social development policies aim to minimize the negative impact of Bank-funded operations. Policy is thematically distinguished, i.e. 'Indigenous Peoples', 'Involuntary Resettlement', 'Conflict and Development', and 'Gender and Development'.1
Toward Defining a 'Safeguard Policy Framework' at the World Bank
The concept of 'safeguards policy' is tauted on the World Bank website as a cornerstone of World Bank sustainable poverty reduction, but the Bank does not explicitly distinguish stand-alone safeguard policies. Rather, the concept of safeguard is manifest in policy statements that that certain issues require special attention during project design and implementation and therefore requires certain types of interventions as part of loan processing.That is to say, safeguards are considered to be written into each of several thematically-defined policies—principally within the Operational Manual.2
Current Safeguard Policy Framework
Those policies of the World Bank that collectively comprise institutional environmental and social 'safeguard policy' are:3
World Bank Performance Standards
- Board Paper
- OP 4.03 Performance Standards For Private Sector Activities
- BP 4.03 Performance Standards For Private Sector Activities
- PS 1 - PS 8
- Guidance Note
Environmental Assessment
- Environmental Assessment Sourcebook and Updates
- Operational Policy 4.01: Environmental Assessment, 1999 - Revised February 2011
- OP 4.01, Annex A: Definitions, 1999 - Revised February 2011
- OP 4.01, Annex B: Content of an Environmental Assessment Report for a Category "A" - Project, 1999
- OP 4.01, Annex C: Environmental Management Plan, 1999
- Bank Procedure 4.01: Environmental Assessment, 1999 - Revised May 2011
- Bank Procedure 4.01, Annex A: Application of EA to Dam and Reservoir Projects, 1999 - Revised May 2011
- Bank Procedure 4.01, Annex B: Application of EA to Projects Involving Pest Management: Environmental Assessment - Revised May 2011
- World Bank Environmental Assessment Website
Natural Habitats
Pest Management
Physical Cultural Resources
- Operational Policy 4.11: Physical Cultural Resources, 2006
- Bank Procedure 4.11: Physical Cultural Resources, 2006
Involuntary Resettlement
Indigenous Peoples
- A Learning Review: Implementation of the World Bank's Indigenous Peoples Policy, August 2011
- Operational Policy 4.10: Indigenous Peoples, July 2005
- OP 4.10, Annex A: Social Assessment, July 2005
- OP 4.10, Annex B: Indigenous Peoples Plan, July 2005
- OP 4.10, Annex C: Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework, July 2005
Safety of Dams
Use of Country Systems
- Bank Procedure 4.00: Piloting the Use of Borrower Systems to Address Environmental and Social Safeguard Issues in Bank-Supported Projects, 2005
- Expanding the Use of Country Systems in Bank-Supported Operations Website
- Piloting the Use of Borrower Systems to Address Environmental and Social Safeguard Issues in Bank-Supported Projects
Previous Social and Environmental Safeguard Policies
Indigenous Peoples
OP 4.10 - Indigenous Peoples [July, 2005 (rev. 2013)
OD 4.20 - Indigenous Peoples [September 1991] alt. link
- Annex A - Social Assessment
- Annex B - Indigenous Peoples Plan
- Annex C - Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework BP 4.10 - Indigenous Peoples [July, 2005]
- OP 4.12 - Involuntary Resettlement [December, 2001 (rev 2013)] alt. link
Other Operational Policies | Development Policy
Country Safeguard Systems
- Expanding the Use of Country Systems in Bank-Supported Operations
- Piloting the Use of Borrower Systems to Address Environmental and Social Safeguard Issues in Bank-Supported Projects
- OP 4.00 - Piloting the Use of Borrower Systems to Address Environmental and Social Safeguard Issues in Bank-Supported Projects
- BP 4.00 - Piloting the Use of Borrower Systems to Address Environmental and Social Safeguard Issues in Bank-Supported Projects
Implementation Resources
- Participation Sourcebook (1996)
- Involuntary Resettlement Sourcebook: Planning and Implemention in Development Projects
- Environmental Assessment Sourcebook and updates
- Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines, April 2007
- Getting to Green - A Sourcebook of Pollution Management Policy Tools for Growth and Competitiveness, April 2012
- Physical Cultural Resources Safeguard Policy Guidebook 2009 (English)
- Physical Cultural Resources Safeguard Policy Guidebook 2009 (French)
World Bank Guidelines
Earlier versions of the EHS Guidelines (including documents that were previously published in Part III of the Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook (PPAH) and on the IFC website), that are no longer in use, can be found below and are provided for reference only.
- Aluminum Manufacturing
- Base Metal & Iron Ore Mining
- Breweries
- Cement Manufacturing
- Chlor-Alkali Plants
- Coal Mining & Production
- Coke Manufacturing
- Copper Smelting
- Dairy Industry
- Dye Manufacturing
- Electronics Manufacturing
- Electroplating Industry
- Foundries
- Fruit & Vegetable Processing
- General Env. Guidelines
- Glass Manufacturing
- Industrial Estates
- Iron & Steel Manufacturing
- Lead & Zinc Smelting
- Meat Processing & Rendering
- Mini Steel Mills
- Mining and Milling, Underground
- Mining and Milling, Open Pit
- Mixed Fertilizer Plants
- Monitoring
- Nickel Smelting & Refining
- Nitrogenous Fertilizer Plants
- Oil & Gas Dev (Onshore)
- Pesticides Formulation
- Pesticides Manufacturing
- Petrochemicals Manufacturing
- Petroleum Refining
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
- Phosphate Fertilizer Plants
- Printing Industry
- Pulp & Paper Mills
- Sugar Manufacturing
- Tanning & Leather Finishing
- Textiles Industry
- Thermal Power for New Plants
- Thermal Power Rehabilitation
- Vegetable Oil Processing
- Wood Preserving Industry
Decommissioned World Bank Group (WBG) Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines
In 2013, the World Bank Group began to review and update the EHS Guidelines. Outdated versions are listed below.
Annual Crop Production (2007)
English |
Français |
Español |
русский |
简体中文 |
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Facilities (2007)
English |
Français |
Español |
русский |
简体中文 |
Offshore Oil and Gas Development (2007)
English |
Français |
Español |
русский |
简体中文 |
Petroleum Refining (2007)
English |
Français |
Español |
русский |
简体中文 |
Plantation Crop Production (2007)
English |
Français |
Español |
русский |
简体中文 |
Ports, Harbors and Terminals (2007)
English |
Français |
Español |
русский |
简体中文 |
Vegetable Oil Processing (2007)
English |
Français |
Español |
русский |
简体中文 |
Wind Energy (2007)
English |
Français |
Español |
русский |
简体中文 |