Safeguard policies aim to prevent and mitigate undue harm to people and their environment in the development process. They provide guidelines for IFIs and their clients about appropriate project identification, preparation, and implementation measures—often providing a platform for stakeholder participation and enhancing perceptions of “ownership” among project-affected local populations.
- Asian Development Bank. 2009. Safeguard Policy Statement. Manila: Asian Development Bank. n.d. [Downloads available in multiple languages]
- Bank Information Center. "Safeguards Campaign Updates" [web index page]. Washington, DC: Bank Information Center.
- Global Environments Summer Academy. 2011. "The World Bank Social and Environmental Safeguard Policies" [web page]. Munich: Ludwig Maximilian University.
- Inter-American Development Bank. n.d. Environmental Safeguards: Policies and Guidelines [web index page]. Washington, D.C.:
- The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. 2010. Safeguard Policies for World Bank Reconstruction Projects [PDF]. Washington, DC: The World Bank.
- World Bank Group. 2014. "Review and Update of the World Bank Safeguard Policies" [web article]. Washington, DC: The World Bank.