Independent Consultation and Investigation Mechanism of the Inter-American Development Bank

The IDB Board of Executive Directors established ICIM, which became effective on September 9, 2010. More details at:

Mission, Roles, Responsibility and Areas of Focus

Mission: The ICIM‟s core mission is to respond to Requests of individuals , organizations and/or communities that have been or believe they will be impacted because IDB has departed from its Operational Policies, thus contributing to more sustainable development results in the LCR Region.

Roles, Responsibility and Areas of Focus The ICIM is led and manage by the three Principals: Executive Secretary, Project Ombudsperson and Panel Chairperson. They report directly to the Board of Executive Directors of the Bank. The Project Ombudsperson and the Panel have functional independence and act on their own initiative and according to their best judgment, in a manner consistent with the ICIM Policy.

Key Outputs, Practices & Engagement with Internal & External Stakeholders

Key outputs and practices: ICIM‟s products (effective Consultations and effective Compliance Reviews) contribute to improvements in the adherence to and the implementation of Operational Policies, and thus to better and more sustainable projects and their results.

ICIM engages with the following internal and external stakeholders:

Eligibility - Compliance


a. The Request is filed by two or more persons who believe that they have been or may be affected and who reside in the country where the Bank-Financed Operation is implemented. If the Request is filed by a representative, the identity of the Requesters on whose behalf the Request is filed will be indicated and written proof of representation will be attached. b. The Request clearly identifies a Bank-Financed Operation that has been approved by the Board, the President, or the Donors Committee. c. The Request describes the Harm that could result from potential noncompliance with one or more Relevant Operational Policies. d. The Request describes the efforts that the Requesters have made to address the issues in the Request with Management and includes a description of the results of those efforts, or an explanation of why contacting Management was not possible. e. None of the exclusions set forth in paragraph 19 of this Policy apply.