NOAA Sea Level Rise

This notebook loads sea level rise data from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA provides a very nice website for viewing these data. This notebook was created to demonstrate loading and rendering of web mapping service (wms) data layers in a notebook to inform custom visualizations.

NOAA Disclaimer:

The data and maps in this tool illustrate the scale of potential flooding, not the exact location, and do not account for erosion, subsidence, or future construction. Water levels are relative to Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) (excludes wind driven tides). The data, maps, and information provided should be used only as a screening-level tool for management decisions. As with all remotely sensed data, all features should be verified with a site visit. The data and maps in this tool are provided “as is,” without warranty to their performance, merchantable state, or fitness for any particular purpose. The entire risk associated with the results and performance of these data is assumed by the user. This tool should be used strictly as a planning reference tool and not for navigation, permitting, or other legal purposes.

Here's the primary prediction model:

And here's an exploration of variations in confidence levels within the model:

Data prepended with `slr` were from a projection model:

Data prepended with `conf` were created to help identfy errors in the SLR dataset:

Not Yet Rendered





The motivation for creating this notebook comes from the conversation, "Data Science for Environmental Research (and Advocacy)". All the heavy lifting getting these data layers to render is thanks to @mootari.