geospatial analysis

Dropping in table of references from research done a couple of years back. Note that many links are broken.

File TypeArticle TitlePublicationAuthorsInstitutionsYearMonthDay
webpageApplication of Participatory GIS for Rural Community Development and Local Level Spatial Planning System in Sri Lanka
webpageMapping Indigenous Lands
webpageGIS and participatory management of a protected forest in east Kalimantan, Indonesia
webpageGood practics in participatory mapping: A review prepared for the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
webpage"Assessing participatory GIS for community-based natural resource management: claiming community forests in Cameroon"
webpageCommunity Mapping, Tenurial Rights and Conflict Resolution in Kalimantan
webpageCommunity Mapping and Its Implications
webpageAlaska Map and GIS Data
PDF"Community Mapping, Natural Resources and Indigenous People Movement in Indonesia"Idham Kurniawan and Imam Hanafi"Jaringan Kerja Pemetaan Partisipatif (JKPP) Indonesian Community Mapping Network"2004November8 – 10
PDFGood practices in participatory mapping: A review prepared for the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD)Sheila MwanunduInternational Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD)2009
PDF"Assessing participatory GIS for community-based natural resource management: claiming community forests in Cameroon"The Geographical JournalMICHAEL K McCALL AND PETER A MINANGInternational Institute for GeoInformation Science and Earth Observation (ITC)2005July
PDF"MAPPINGCOMMUNITIES ETHICS, VALUES, PRACTICE"Edited by Jefferson Fox, Krisnawati Suryanata, and Peter HershockEast-West Center2005
PDF"A Sourcebook for Landscape Analysis of High Conservation Value Forests (Version 1)""Dr Steve Jennings and Dr James Jarvie with input from Nigel Dudley and Ketut Deddy"ProForest (funded by WWF Switzerland)